New househell

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2 days later (In total gone: 3 weeks and 4 days

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2 days later (In total gone: 3 weeks and 4 days.)

Ziara pov

I whimper as my eyes flutter open softly, my breath hitches under my troath but I ignore it and look around with my eyes, dragging my gaze along the boxes.. i was in a.. back of a truck?. I purse my lips and sit up groaning softly.. "ouch.." I sighed softly pushing the white thin covers off me while the car bumped over the road, I couldn't really see where we where driving to or if we where even on a road cause there where literally no windows but the scent in here smelled worse.

I couldn't the bed cause there where boxes surrounding me, I felt like a dog in a cage.. suddenly the car came to a dramatic stop making me cockle forwards hitting my head agianst a box, I gasp softly rubbing my head, "seriously?."

I gulp and look down at my thighs squeezing my eyes shut as I heard the truck open and people stepping out, the voices growing louder as they reach the back of the truck, "she's awake.."

I heard Kayla's voice and my eyes opened looking at them standing there staring at me up and down.. I felt disgusting with my scars and hug my own waist.. "it's gonna be fine Zi.." Freya nods softly as Jules tries to step in but she got pushed of making me flinch at the sight on Vanessa.

"Get her out." I heard her order and 3 men came from behind her strolling my bed out of the truck and one threw me over there shoulder making me whimper in pain as he Carrys me inside.

"what's happening?. Why are we here?" I ask, "safety." One of the biggest gaurd looking man said as the threw me on the med making me bounce up and down akwardly as I hit the bed, "ou" I huff and look up at them as they close the door.. I look down and suddenly heard the girls voices as they openen the door spotting me on the bed. "Thank god you with us" Jules sighed and walked towards me hugging me, it felt like the presence I had with Nikola.. I got teary, I missed her.

"Whats happening?!" I ask and sniff softly looking at them all, "our new home, they said there where members of a company a.k.a there wordt enemy coming here to save us and destroy them, but they found a new place to hide us." Kayla explained and Freya nodded. I nod and look down..

they said there where members of a company a.k.a there wordt enemy coming here to save us..

Tom.. hes trying.. he's coming, it's gonna be fine-

"You okay ziz?" Freya asked sitting on the bed, "yes, I'm okay.." I lied softly. They nodded and walked around unpacking there stuff, "I'm doing yours, your not in a well condition" Jules offered amd i smile softly and look up at her, "you don't have to.."

I smile kindly and she shakes her head, "it's fine" she nodded and continued. "I'm so tired we've been riding for almost 2 days." Kayla whined tiredly and Freya leaned back on the bed, "exactly." She yawned.

"I'll just put my pjs on really quick" I nod and grab pjs from the closet Jules kindly ordered, even tho these where not my clothes..and I didn't feel me in them, Atleast I wouldn't have to go trough that hell agian.. or woud i.?


By the time I came back I saw the girls passed out, sleeping like bears but Freya was still awake, "took you long" she smile while texting. "Just.. thinking.." i sign and sit on the other bed turning the lamp on the night stand on making the light dim in here.

"How long have you been here with them..?" I questioned and grab a random book from the night stand, "2 months.." she revealed and my eyes flutter turning wider, "really?." I ask and drag my gaze up to her still focused on her phone with pursed lips, "yep.." she nodded, I swear I saw a little glint of water in her eyes.. "well get out of here one day.."
I spoke with growth mindset, always, but the pressure here is killing me form the inside.

"Doubt it.." she murmurs and turns her phone off placing it beside here as she looks towards me, "as long as nobody tries and gets caught. Where staying.." She gulps and pulls the covers over her furthermore.

"I hate it.." she adds and adjusts herself laying back. I nod, "me too.." I nod and slip the blanket up to my shoulders laying down. "One day..l i nod and smile turning away from everyone here looking at the plane white wall, hoping my delusions of escaping tinned trough it not stopping me.. impossible..


Tom pov:

I push my feet on the brake stopping hardly infront of the house, the house was big.. His dick could never- i sigh stepping out as Kai and Nikola comes along, a spark of color flashed in me knowing I'm gonna see my  fucking mouse in here. All mine. I kept my face straight as I walked over kai and Nikola stalking behind me as we make it to the door.. it was quiet.. almost as of no one really lived here, I glanced at the handle and grab my knife pushing it between the lock before twisting it open.

I step in grabbing my gun put quickly as NIKOLA and Kai does too. "Kai you go upstairs, and and Nikola,you stay here in the hallways, just shoot anyone you don't recognize as me or Kai." I order receiving a nod from them both, glancing looking at them and walk into the living room.empty. Literally no FUCKING furniture. I look around the wierd smell of blood lingering everywhere here. Fucking hell.

I knock a statue down and shoot trough the window shattering the glancing picturing Alexander right behind him.if you touched her Alexander. Your dead when I catch you. Don't talk with her, don't be around her don't even fucking breath around her.

I grit my teeth and storm outside Nikola calling Kai before they run after me. "What the fuck, Tom?" Kai asks, "they moved somewhere." I slam the car door shut as I get in the car slightly wiggling.


"How did they even find out?!" Nikola frowns crossing her arms, "there not dumb." I say coldly driving faster. "They've changed there emails, workers name, changed there IDs but keeping there old one offline until they want to." Kai explains, ""how do they even do that.?! That's impossible" Nikola a,sed throwing her hands up. "We do it all the time. They just know the tactics." Kai sighed typing away.

Ziara. Not found. Will be found. I'm saving her, im losing my fucking patience. Ill kill, die, kneel, beg whatever for her. She's mine. When I find her, I cage her.

"Where going today, half thier codes Kai."

Authors note:
I fell of my bike. Hit a car. And ran away.
(I got a fat bruise on my hip rn and I need to work on this dirty ass bitch presentation.)

-1213 Words 😭

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