Too sore..

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As always I didn't check words DONT LAUGH

As always I didn't check words DONT LAUGH

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Ziara pov:

My eyes heavily flutter open.. they felt so puffy my muscles didn't move an inch, did he kill me!?. I scrunch my eyebrows a little finding some strength to turn my body flat on my back with a soft groan. He broke me. I let out a soft sigh, not only is my head pounding, so is my back.. I turn my head to my nightstand stand softly spotting a small tea glass with lemon tea and some pain killers, how tought full. I roll my eyes a little but something makes me smile a little.. I glance back at the small glass tea, observing the soft rose patterns that you mostly see in those grandma houses, but it's cute.. I mean I didn't buy it cause it was ugly, did I?

I slip my hand out of the covers grabbing the pain killers inserting it in my mouth before grabbing the tea sipping the pill down.. ping! My eyes slide to my phone, i softly place the tea glass back down replacing it with my phone.

Nikola: I have the best idea!

I smile softly at the text, even tho her "best" ideas are always the

Me: tell me!

Nikola: so you know that guy that's been stalking you?

I pauze.. my grip on my phone loosening a bit..

Nikola: is he still bothering you?

Me: well, yea..?

Nikola: what if we i insert cameras into your house?! That way we could see what he looks like and report him to the police!

I purse my lips a little, sure it was smart but he's so.. so un-dodgeable. It's
Like you can't outrun him.. he's to smart.. ugh I just want to pinch myself
For thinking that. He's dumber than a gold fish.. (lie.....)

Me: sure we could try!



I sigh. sitting up with a groan. My muscles numbing every move I make, I pauze.. the diary! I turn my head back to my nightstand realizing the diary was still on it. I smile and pick it up flicking it to the next page


18th of February 2002

"Eat something!" It's the first thing that my parents say every time I go down stairs. Why? Because I'm too 'skinny' for a boy.. never knew that your own parents could even make it that obvious without using any specific words.
It's why I usually stay in my room till I rot away. Would be better than living in this shithole, honestly, this neighborhood sucks,  all you can describe this neighborhood with is that you hear horny teenagers having sex in every fucking public bathroom you enter. And don't forget about how over aged teachers slip their dirty hand up their female students skirts. Disgusting.

My stalker. ~Tom kaulitz~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora