21) Sister's

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Somehow waking up, I found myself with my head on Aris's chest and his arm around me. Looking around, as I saw it was the literal brink of dawn, I decided the best course of action was to try to sleep a little longer.

Then, I heard soft sniffling. Slowly pushing Aris's arm off, I sat up to see Minnie a few feet away, holding a pair of scissors while tears streamed down her face.

"Minnie? What happened?"I asked quietly, taking a seat beside her.

"I need to get rid of my hair. Just in case,"She kind of explained, taking a breath. Knowing how much she adored it, that it was her pride and joy by the way she was always putting it in braids, a high ponytail, buns, curling it with things she found, and requesting products, it didn't make sense for her to get rid of it in any way. Not unless it has brought her down.

"Why?"I asked.

"The Cranks pulled it to drag me down. Minho actually had to fight them away to grab me. Freaking Minho had to save me,"She whispered, taking a breath to stop her voice from cracking.

"Do you just want to trim it for now?"I suggested.

"No. I can't be weak again. Ever,"She said firmly.

"At least let me cut it then. I don't want you to hurt yourself, and you're shaking,"I pointed out, holding my hand out for the tools. Looking at it, she reluctantly gave them to me. Holding her hair out of her hoodie, I brushed my fingers through it. "How short do you want it?"

"To my chin. I just need it to be hard to grab,"She mumbled.

"I can do that,"I promised, deciding to start a little bit lower on the chance that she changed her mind.



"Do you think that I'm too hard on people?"She whispered, catching me off guard. Still, after a moment I regained my composure and decided to just start talking.

"I think that you're just hard enough. You know how to not get close to people, but you know how to protect others. You do the best you can, being a little biased towards your friends, which if anything, only makes you human. The choice for who would be the Keeper of the Skaters after my incident was more than clear. I didn't just choose you because you're my friend. I chose you because I knew you would be the strongest person, mentally and physically, and would be able to handle all that came with that title. You were the only right person to be in charge, and you have more than proved that,"I promised, making a clean cut, watching as her hair fell to the ground.

"I feel kind is stupid about this. About being upset over hair after all I've gone through. It's just that it was something I could control, you know? I could never really control my clothes, or the time I got to sleep, or what I ate, but I could always control my hair. I could style it however my heart desired,"She admitted.

"Now that we're out you will have control. Besides, you're still pretty. Whether it's long or short hair, it will be just as pretty as every part of you. You've got pretty eyes, pretty lips, pretty skin, pretty everything, okay?"

"You're honestly my best friend. I know that I don't say nice things often, but I do appreciate you. I appreciate everyone but especially the girl who taught me everything I know."

"You've taught me a lot too. And you saved me. In more ways than one too. Even when I pushed you away you were there. I couldn't quite show it, but it meant a lot. It still does."

"You saved me too."

"We save each other. All of us,"I said firmly, taking a glance at Aris before turning back around. Biting the inside of my cheek to hold back a smile, I started cutting her hair a little higher.

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now