16) Nervous Rambling

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It felt like I had been in that room for years until someone had come to let me out for dinner. Now I was back with my friends ignoring the meal in front of me, as we put our heads together for something, anything.

"Tonight I need to show you all what I've been talking about. We just need that key card,"Minnie whispered.

"I have it in my journal. Tonight we'll all meet in Aris's room."

"What do you mean by his room?"She questioned.

"They separated us. They said that we're too close,"He quietly answered. Knowing by just his voice that he was nervous I placed my hand on his knee. He didn't need to look as he intertwined our fingers.

"What if there's more to that story?"She suggested.

"Like them trying to keep us all apart so that it's easier when they try to pick us off?"I theorized.


"Or they're catching on to us?"Aris threw in.

"Whatever it is doesn't truly matter. We just need to get out of here before we can't,"Minnie pointed out.

"And we will. We have a card, we may have the Gladers, and we have more information than anyone else. We've got to,"I reassured them (and myself).

"Wow. An inspirational speech. You taking on Harriet's role?"Minnie teased.

"I am not a leader,"I said firmly.

"You were a Keeper at one point."

"And now I'm not. We don't need any roles assigned to us, okay? All that will do is create an uneven dynamic. Uneven dynamics is the entire cause of conflict so if we keep that up we really can't leave. If we can't leave we'll die, and I really don't wanna do that, and-"
"Y/N,"Aris interrupted, firmly placing his hand on my knees. I took a breath I didn't know I needed as I looked over at him. "You're doing that thing you do when you're nervous. That nervous, speaking too fast, rambling,"He pointed out.

"Sorry,"I mumbled, looking back at my untouched plate. Because I'm hungry, but I feel like I'm going to throw up every second I spend here.

Unless, they did something. Is the food poisoned? Is there just something else dangerous hidden away that's making me feel sick? And what if-
"Keep calm. I can see you overthinking again,"He whispered, tracing comforting shapes on my skin.

"Why am I third wheeling already? At least date before I get put in the middle of some kissy kissy stuff,"Minnie grumbled.

"For the last time, we're not together. Second, even if we were PDA weirds me out,"I listed.

"Unless it's his hand on your thigh,"She shrugged, wearing an innocent grin.

"It's on her knee, okay? Go back to your precious Minho. I'm sure he misses you,"Aris shot back.

"I will never be with someone who calls me princess,"She scowled, picking up her cornbread. Before she could hit either of us with it we ducked under the table.

"What the shuck?!"a guy right behind us exclaimed.

Glancing at each other, after a minute we dared to sit back in our seat. When we did though, we saw that this may not end well. Then again, she's not rude. So even if Minho does have pieces of cornbread on his face and in his hair this should blow over.

"You've got some nerve, princess."

"Excuse me?"She asked in a sharp voice.

"I said-"
"It was an accident. I meant to play around with my friends. Not hit your overly big head,"She insulted.

"Yeah rig-"
"I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a jerk. I'm also not a princess, but no matter how much you get on my nerves I won't throw things at you. I have manners, which you should learn about,"She snapped.

"Listen princess-"
"Minho, leave it alone. It's just some bloody cornbread,"the blonde boy I had seen earlier, with an authoritative voice, commanded.

"Fine, but I've got my eye on you, princess,"He warned, wearing a smug smirk.

"I'm sure you do,"She said, narrowing her eyes at him. He seemed to be over everything that had happened as he walked away with his friend.

"Murder is socially acceptable occasionally, right?"She whispered.

"I'm sure it is sometimes, but I don't think almost angry flirting is one of those times,"I pointed out.

"There's no flirting,"She insisted.

"From your side,"Aris corrected.

"The dude calls me princess to get on my nerves,"She continued. I exchanged a knowing look with Aris before shrugging. Maybe it would be something or many not. At this rate, it wasn't happening but you never know. Things change all the time, and that's something in the world that mostly goes on forever. Almost nothing is permanent, and whatever she has with him right now is probably included.

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