6) Explanations

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"Hey. You two up. Get up, and separate,"A booming voice demanded. I instantly sat up as a man banged on the bunk bed bars.

"You two can't stay in the same bed,"The man repeated. I turned to Aris who was still half asleep. I gently shook him to help him out of his groggy state.

"Did you hear me?"The man barked.

"Can you give us a minute? We just woke up,"I yawned.

"You can go back to sleep. Just in separate beds."

"So it's not breakfast time?"I clarified.

"Well no, but-"
"Great. Then, leave us alone."
"I can't-"
"You're not doing anything good. Neither of us are going to sleep if we're not next to each other,"Aris told the man.

"That doesn't sound healthy."

"Mhm. Neither is you keeping us up,"I responded, laying back down.

"I'm not leaving until you two separate."

"That's weird,"I commented, keeping my eyes shut. Besides, this guy probably had more important things to do.

Sure enough we called his bluff because he mumbled to himself before walking away. The door closed and locked, but now I had to try and fall back asleep. I was in my first real and peaceful sleep since I got here, and now I have to try and get back to that state.

"We need to get out of here before I actually lose my mind,"I sighed.

"I know. Just hold on a little longer. We'll figure it out,"He whispered, putting an arm around me.

"We always do, don't we?"

"Yeah. Let's just try to sleep. We're not going to be able to do that much for a while,"He reminded me.

That was more than true so I laid there and let my eyes flutter shut, praying for an uninterrupted rest.


"What? Why?"Minnie asked as we explained that she had to stay awake tonight.

"We can't tell you, but it's important. We'll see you in your room, but we need you to stay up to let us know we're going the right direction. Are you in?"I repeated.

"I guess. Why can't you just tell me here though? Are you guys planning a heist or something?"She joked. I looked down at my plate in silence. It wasn't a heist, but she was on the right track.

"No way. What are you two planning?"She repeated.

"We'll tell you tonight. Just act normal for now,"I warned.

"If you say so. Hey, when did you two sticks start getting along again anyway? Is this major crime you're plotting bringing you back together?"

"Minnie, just pretend this conversation never happened. Everything will be explained soon enough,"I promised. She raised an eyebrow, and it wasn't hard to tell her curiosity wasn't going away. If only the thing she was curious about wasn't so deadly.


"Do you think we'll be able to get back in time?"I asked as I quietly pulled the vent out.

"I'm pretty sure we can make it to Minnie's room tonight. I don't think we should go much further though,"He pointed out.

"True. Let's just be quick. The sooner we explain this better,"I replied, ducking inside the vent. He followed suit crouching next to me.

"Who built this place to have human sized vents? If I was hiding something that's the last thing I'd want,"I remarked.

"They're also taking kids from which is essentially a prison. They probably just don't think they'll care enough to be suspicious,"He shrugged.

"It's still a bad move on their part. At least, it's great for us."

We didn't speak the rest of the way. There were to many things to keep track of and to many thoughts to be immersed in. I noted each turn and heard him mutter them under his breath. After what seemed like centuries we spotted her. As promised she was awake, and for some reason lying on the floor. She was tossing something in the air and catching it. Apparently, she got her hands on a tennis ball. I don't know how she did that, but it only made me even more confident in my decision for her to be look-out.

"Psst. Minnie,"I hissed. She glanced over before rolling under the bed. She slid the vent over so we could make our way out.

"Thanks. Now, we have something we need to do, but we need your help."

"I figured seeing as you've been super secretive and are crawling through walls,"She shrugged.

"The thing is it's incredibly dangerous, and we may need your charisma and quick thinking,"I explained.

"I've got plenty of that to go around. Just tell me what you need, and I'll do it,"She promised.

"I need to get into Janson's office, but someone has to keep him away."

"What? Why?"She questioned. That was obviously going to be asked, but I wasn't eager to tell her about what I did.

"I signed a contract Janson gave me. He rushed me before I could read through it. Now I need to find out what's on it. It may be able to help us figure out what's going on, and I could also find a key card in there,"I explained in one breath. She was expectantly looking at me.

"What was the contract for?"

"For them to get rid of the scars,"I muttered. Her face dropped in complete horror.

"You agreed to a medical procedure without reading what happens? What were you thinking?"

"Janson said a bunch of really convincing things. Have you ever been in a room one on one with that guy? It's like he can get inside your head,"I defended.

"That's called being manipulated."

"I figured that out. Something's off, and we need your help. You're great at distraction and charming people. Are you in?"I asked, keeping my fingers crossed she was. I don't even believe in superstitious, but I was desperate.

"Just tell me the time and the place, and I'll work my magic. Let's find out what's going on once and for all. After that, we're all getting out of here."

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now