8) Omens

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Thankfully, we ended up making it back to our room without another problem. Then again that was the bare minimum in luck here. That doesn't mean we aren't taking any we can get though.

"Here,"Aris whispered, taking my hand and helping me out of the vent.

"Thanks,"I responded, gladly accepting it.

We both stood there in silence for a moment. The contract crinkled in my pocket. I know I got exactly what we came here for, but now that I could actually read it I wasn't sure I wanted answers. They say ignorance is bliss.

"Do you want me to read it?"He quietly offered.

"No. I can do it,"I said firmly.

He nodded and sat on our bed. Taking another deep breath, I unfolded the seemingly random piece of paper. Even though my heart was pounding in my ears I tried to tell myself it couldn't be that bad. There's no way it's something too terrible, right?

No. I'm lying to myself, but if I don't I'll never be able to open it. I may as well get this over with.

Dear Chancellor Paige,
This contract is a written statement that Subject B3, The Sacrifice, also known as Y/N, agrees to give up her brain for a cure. She understands that this means she will die, but she also knows it is for the good of the world. If somehow she ends up living she agrees to let us study us until her death. She is happy to give up her life for this cause.

This also says she understands why we went out of our way to give her the scar and that despite that fact she has not been manipulated or tricked into signing this. She understands that her name is exactly what it sounds like, but she also knows this is not the end for her. Her name will go down in history.

In conclusion, she gives up all rights over her mind, body, and life.


"Y/N, what is it?"Aris asked. Only then did I realize I had just been standing there, rereading the words over and over. It felt like if I did it enough times they would change to something new. My hands were shaking as they tightly clutched the paper.

"We need to get out,"I whispered, not having the strength to explain the extent of our situation.

"Y/N, what does it say?"He repeated.

I just shook my head before crawling into the bed closest to me. Without a word I curled my knees to my chest and stayed there. The world seemed to be completely still. Nothing existed. Nothing here was real.

After another minute of silence I assumed he had just gone to sleep. I gripped the paper even tighter as my entire body wracked with quiet sobs.

That's when I felt Aris lay beside me and pull me closer to him. Not one word was exchanged. Nothing had to be. The truth was obvious. We were still trapped. In fact, we had never been free. Not even escaping the Spring meant we had actually escaped. It was all mind games.

Still, I couldn't manage to put this into words. He didn't seem to care about that though as he ran his fingers through my hair. Without a word I turned around to face him. To that he pulled me closer to his chest and kept his arms wrapped around me.

Despite how wrong it seems to be his presence made the world seem better. He was familiar, something I didn't have to let go of. I knew him more than I knew myself. After all, he was my everything. He was my world.

So for now I knew he was safe, and I had to make that enough to get through the next day.

Without a doubt I know it is.


"You can save us. You are special."

"Let's get out of here before something weirder happens."

"You can't leave. We can't leave."

"WCKD is good."

"Subject B3, The Sacrifice."

"If we gave him up we'd be fine."

"Subject B3, The Sacrifice."

"You are immune which means your blood can save us."

"Don't you dare close your eyes."

"You need to move!"

"I can't leave her."

"WCKD is good."

"Subject B3, The Sacrifice."

"It's you or her."


"You or her?"





"Subject B3, The Sacrifice!"

"Then, it's her that goes tonight."

The gunshot rang throughout the air and echoed from the walls. I froze, waiting for the bullet to hit me. As I did one thought crossed my mind.

When push came to shove we promised to be there for each other, but keeping your word is much different than speaking it.

When push can to shove he shoved me in right into death's path.

"You're okay. You're okay,"Someone's voice coaxed. I opened my eyes to see Aris gently running his hands through my hair. He must have laid my head on his lap a while ago since he had leaned against the wall. He hadn't seemed to notice I was awake yet as he kept repeating those same words.

"I'm sorry for waking you,"I mumbled.

"You're finally up,"He stated, ignoring what I said.

"You could have just woken me up if I was bothering you,"I informed him.

"I can't. You're not supposed to wake up someone having a night terror."

"You could have moved so maybe I wouldn't have been bothering you,"I suggested.

"That's pointless. I can't sleep without you next to me anyway. Besides, you're not bothering me."

"Judging by the way you're still wide awake I disagree."

"Then, for now we'll agree to disagree. We still have an hour until we have to wake up. We can at least try to get that much."

I nodded as if that was a possibility. Knowing what I do now it wasn't happening.

Then, there was that dream. Something about all of it seemed real. It was almost as if I was getting a warning or an omen. Of course there are a parts I understand. It's obvious what the 'WCKD is good' and 'we can't leave' is referring to. I know the 'Subject B3, The Sacrifice,' thing is because of the contract.

What was the other part from though? What was 'you or her' supposed to mean?

Maybe it's nothing to worry about. With all the new knowledge I obtained I may just be a little out of sorts right now. I'm probably just putting too much thought into it.

After all, nobody has had to make a choice resulting in my death, and they won't.


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