11) Interruptions

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We had figured out a way to somewhat help with the fact that we would probably be suffering from sleep deprivation soon. The space between lunch and dinner would be spent resting.

"Are you awake?"Aris whispered.

I didn't say it was easy. There's a lot to think about that would honestly be great to push to the back of my mind. Unfortunately, that's how we end up dead.

"Yeah,"I admitted.

"Then, can I ask you something?"

"Anything you want."

"Do you think the outside world is good?"He asked, sitting up and leaning his head against the wall.

I sat up and turned to face him. His eyes held a hint of sadness in them. While my answer probably should be a quick yes it's not that simple. There are so many factors that will play into how our lives will turn out.

"It's better than being here,"I settled on.

"So you're not really sure either?"

"No. There's almost nothing I'm completely confident is true."

"So what are you sure of?"He questioned.

"You,"I quietly admitted.

"Me?"He asked, confusion written on his face.

"Yes. I know that even when life is the worst it could be, you're going to be there. You're my light in the darkness. That's better than anything that anyone could have. Even if the world is the worst thing there is if I have you then we'll be okay."

He looked at me for a moment, taking in my words. Then, the ghost of a smile spread across his face.

"I'm sure of you too. I'll be there for you, and you'll do the same for me. Y/N, you're my person,"He confessed, playing with my hair.

As he did I saw his eyes glancing at my lips before he looked back at my eyes. I couldn't help but do the same as thoughts I shouldn't have about my best friend crossed my mind.

But what if he's thinking the same things?

Without a word he cupped my face so I was looking directly at him. My breath hitched in my throat as he leaned closer.

Maybe it's wrong to kiss him when we're in our situation. Maybe it could ruin what we have. Maybe this is a mistake that we'll regret.

But would a mistake feel this right?

Right as I was about to find out the door unlocked before opening. A guard called us for dinner without caring to actually see if we listened. Despite this we instantly pulled apart and acted as though nothing had just happened.

How come it seems like every time something could happen between us it gets interrupted?

Maybe it's a sign that this really isn't the right choice.

But is anything truly right when we're in the situation we are?


That night as dinner we sat on opposite sides of the table and avoided looking at each other. Well, we tried. Every now and again, or honestly every other second, I couldn't help but glance at him. He always seemed to be looking back before we both stared anywhere else.

"What are you two fighting about this time?"Minnie sighed, putting her fork down and looking between us.

"Nothing,"I mumbled.

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now