18) Names

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I sat at dinner with my head down and every part of me covered. Now that I had done it I regretted it. I always do so I don't know why I can’t stop. I don't know why this itchiness and need to make them worse washes over me, but it doesn't change it.

"Y/N, are you okay?”Aris asked.

“Yeah,”I lied.

“Then, look at me.”

“I'd rather not,”I mumbled, pulling my hood up even further.

“You did it again, didn't you?”He bluntly questioned. My silence was all that he needed. “Let me see,”He instructed. With a halfhearted sigh I reluctantly did so, while also zoning out on actually looking back.

“I know it's bad, okay? I don't need a lecture-”
“It's not the worst,”He tried to reassure me.

“You're a very kind liar, but-”
“You're still really pretty. You always have been, and the scars just make you more interesting to look at,”He defended.

“And who exactly is looking at me like I’m pretty?”I pointed out.

“I am,”He defended, seeming to take offense to the question. Thankfully, before this could turn into a debate, Minnie joined us across the table.

“What's up, you sticks?”She greeted, wearing a strained smile.

“You okay?”I checked.

“I always am,”She shrugged. I knew that wasn't true but thought better than to interrogate her right now. Especially, in front of everyone.

“I need to tell you guys something,”I settled on, looking over my shoulder. When there didn't seem to be any guards around I pulled the notebook and envelope from my jacket and placed them on the table. They exchanged puzzles glanced before looking at me for an explanation. “We can't trust Thomas or someone named Teresa. All we have and should depend on is each other, Harriet and Sonya when we see them, and some boy named Newt.”

“You talking about my friend?”a voice we were growing familiar with asked. Getting involved in our business, Minho tried to peek at the items on our table, but I snatched them away.

“Unless your friend just miraculously happens to be named Newt, no,”Minnie shrugged.

“Lucky for you he is. Or maybe not lucky depending on why you want to see him.”

“Funny,”She said back in a dry voice.

“Minho, stop trying to flirt with the girl being mean to you. You're terrible at it anyway,”another voice that we recognized sighed. Glancing over, we got a closer look at the boy who seemed to be keeping everyone in line. With clean blonde hair, light brown eyes, a hint of an accent, and the way he seemed like a leader while also being a playful friend, he reminded me of Sonya.

“Yeah, Newt. You're probably right, Newt. It's for the best that I leave princess alone, Newt,”He repeated, making us all go still. Exchanging a glance at each other, we turned back and impatiently awaited his reaction.

“Any reason you like my name, you shank?”

“What do you mean, Newt?”

“We get it. Just stop repeating yourself,”Minnie snapped.

“Of course, princess.”

“I am not-”
“What is happening?”Newt interrupted as Aris and I gawked at him. This seemed way too easy. There's no way that there's not a catch to finding him. “Uh, hello?”He asked, shifting uncomfortably in his spot.

“You're Newt,”I found my voice.

“Uh, yes. I am.”

“You're coming with us tonight,”Aris said firmly.

“What? Where?”

“Somewhere important,”I barely answered.


“Because you are someone important,”Aris vaguely stated.

“I don't understand. What are you on about?”

“We can't tell you here. We’ll meet you tonight,”She whispered.

“Can I come?”Minho asked.

“Hell no,”Minnie snapped.

“Why not?”

“Because I don't like you.”

“Come on, princess-”
“It's Minnie! I am not a princess! I am not some damsel in distress! I am not someone you can woo so shut your mouth!”She demanded, standing up and stabbing her knife in the table. The two guys gawked at her while Aris and I exchanged a look of ‘this was bound to happen.’

“Message received,”Minho promised, breaking the silence. “Still, let me come with. Just to look after my friend.”

“That's so-”
“You would do the same for yours, wouldn't you?”He pointed out.

With more glaring, she let out an exasperated sigh while rubbing her forehead. We all waited for her answer as she mumbled something that we couldn't make out.

“Fine, but if you get us caught we're leaving you behind. Do you understand?”She gave in, narrowing her eyes at him.

“I do,”He nodded. She let out another sigh as he walked away. Just as we thought that was over he said something to Newt and walked back over.

“The hell do you-”
“Thanks, Minnie. Thanks,”He interrupted. And with that he actually, leaving us all flabbergasted. This was going to be interesting. Both what she had to show us and whatever happened next with them.

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now