5) Realizations and Dreams

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Dear Journal,
I messed up. No. I didn't just mess up. I did something that may have just destroyed my life. I could have agreed to something that may kill me. I've been dwelling on that all day so my mind has come up with more creative yet terrible things that could happen.

That contract I signed has so many things I don't know about. Whatever is on it may tell me what secrets this place holds. I know there's something there that can help. If there wasn't Janson wouldn't have been so secretive about it.

Rachel was called for something called the Safe Zone. I have a feeling that may have exactly what that is and where they took her while I'm searching. Something about the name and the reassurance that it was safe makes me feel sick. I need to get the contract, but I need help.

First, there's something extremely uncomfortable but necessary I have to do. I need to apologize to Aris. Will it feel awkward? Definitely. Is it better than any alternative? Absolutely. If we spend one more minute mad at each other I'm going to pull my hair out in a literal sense. So I guess I may as well do that now.

Wish me luck,

I sighed as I took a deep breath. From across the room Aris was staring at the bunk above him. My footsteps could hardly be heard as I walked over.

"Hey Aris. Can we talk?"I asked quietly. He looked at me with clear surprise on his face.

"Yeah. That's a good idea,"He agreed, moving over so I could join him. I ducked my head as I took a seat next to him.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. You're right about this place, and I also know things were said,"I explained, keeping a watch on my hands.

"I'm sorry too. I said some things I shouldn't have. I just want you to be okay, and this place isn't something that will do that."

"So we're okay now?"I checked.

"Yeah. We're okay,"He assured me, placing his hand over mine. That usual grin spread across my face as I intertwined our fingers.

"I also have one more thing. I think I know how to find out what's going on. If I see what's on that contract I may find out what they do here, but I need some help."

"What do you need?"He asked without hesitation.

"I need a badge and for someone to lookout for Janson while I'm in his office. It has to be someone who would know how to distract him if he was going there,"I explained.

"I think I know exactly who would be good at distractions, and she's about as suspicious as she can get."

"Yeah. I just have to talk to her somewhere nobody will hear."

"How though?"He questioned. That had been the same thing running through my mind.

"I don't know. I've been trying to vent in the journal in hopes that something would come up but nothing so far,"I admitted.

At my words his face lit up like he had an idea.

"Vent. The vents. They're everywhere. If we find her room we can talk to her. It's exactly what we need,"He rambled.

"That's brilliant. Maybe we won't even need the key though we should probably still find a way to get one. I have a feeling what we find is going to confirm that we need to leave."

"Maybe he has an extra in his office,"He suggested.

"I hope so. Are you ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. For now we just have to act normal."

"I know. One slip up, and we're done for,"I pointed out.

"Yeah. That's more than true."


It's amazing how much of a difference one person can have. What more proof do I need than the fact that I'm lying beside Aris discussing the topic I've been avoiding for so long?

"I just hope there's safety out there. I'd preferably stay somewhere I don't need to melt ice just to drink water,"He shrugged.

"You stayed in an ice prison for a few weeks, and you're already sick of that? That's the first thing you think of,"I joked.

"In my defense it was an inconvenience. How long were you there then?"He questioned.

"1,123 days. Just a little bit over three years since I was the fourth person there,"I explained.

"You kept count?"He asked, seeming surprised.

"Yeah. I wanted to know the exact day we escaped. It went a bit different than I imagined though,"I admitted.

"What did you imagine it like?"

"Not getting shot in the shoulder,"I answered simply.

"What are you going to do with your life when we do get out?"He asked in a more serious tone.

"I used to want to do something exciting. Something that involved lots of travelling. I never wanted to stay in one place for a long time. Now I want to live a long, good, safe life with my friends. Somewhere all us can be happy. Like a beach or something."

"It sounds like a dream,"He sighed, absentmindedly running his hands through my hair.

"What about you? What do you want to do?"I asked.

"I want to find a safe place and stay there forever. Just somewhere with warmth and comfort. Everyone will be happy. I'll just get to lay like this every night."

"Under a roof and in real a bed?"I guessed.

"No. That does sound like a plus, but I meant next to you. Safe, sound, and warm with you right beside me."

"Yeah. That does sound great,"I agreed, ignoring the blush creeping up the back of my neck.

As nice as laying here and talking with him is the talk of sleep is actually making me sleepy. So now that I know I'll be able to sleep I closed my eyes and started to drift off. After all, I've already learned how much easier it is with him next to me. Plus, it sounds like he feels the exact same way.

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