C38 - For the Sake of Profit

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The car zipped along the newly paved road, lifting everyone's spirits.

What was once a two-hour journey now took a mere ten minutes on the smooth surface.

But the twin trails of mud left behind were bound to rankle the workers.

"We just got this fixed! And now it's all dirty?"

"Where did this car even come from?"

"Shh, keep it down. That's the boss who footed the bill for the roadwork. He can travel however he pleases."

With that, the workers fell silent.

It wasn't until they hit the main road that Sun Ying took the wheel.

"We should get the car washed."

Zhao Yuegu surveyed the thick layer of mud caking the vehicle and decided a thorough wash was in order.

Driving around like this would earn them nothing but scorn.

Yet, after being turned away by three car washes, they had no choice but to settle for a smaller operation.

"Kid, where have you been driving? Your car's a mess."

The chatty car wash uncle marveled at the sight, having never encountered such a dirty car in all his years.

The dried mud was practically armor.

"I can wash it, but it'll cost extra."

"That's fine."

As the high-pressure water jet stripped away the grime, the car's clean lines emerged.

"Did you modify this car? It looks like it's seen plenty of off-road action."

"Only the wealthy can afford to go off-roading."

But as the car's true form came into view, the uncle's jaw dropped.

"Holy cow!"

"Is that a Lamborghini?"

"You took this off-roading? What were you thinking, buddy?"

"This has got to be brand new, right? It's got to be worth over three million. I've never seen anything like it in all of Zeffari County."

The car wash uncle was staggered.

Who would have guessed that beneath the muddy shell was a vehicle from one of the most luxurious brands?

No one in their right mind would subject such a car to this kind of treatment.

But Zhao Yuegu had done just that.

It was beyond belief.

The car wash uncle was still in a daze, watching Zhao Yuegu and his companions drive off until he finally snapped out of it and called a longtime friend.

He'd have enough to talk about for months!

Zhao Yuegu wasn't too concerned, though. Getting on the road was the priority.

"Let's hit the highway and head for Everbreach City."

"Yabei, you haven't forgotten your home address, have you?"

Ma Yabei's cheeks turned pink.

"Forget? Impossible... Hold on, I need to call my grandpa to confirm."


She was such a handful!

How on earth did someone with such a terrible sense of direction become a journalist?

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