C23 - Her Eyes Were Not Pure!

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"Hello, my name is Zhao Yuegu."

"Dong Qingqing, Mr. Lin, you're even more handsome in person than in your videos."

Her alluring eyes swept over Zhao Yuegu, lingering appreciatively.

Dong Qingqing couldn't help but feel a bit thrilled.

She was fond of scrolling through short videos herself. Upon discovering Zhao Yuegu's clips, she became quite smitten.

She had even left a comment once.

"Little brother, hurry into my arms."


She never imagined she'd actually meet Zhao Yuegu face-to-face.

Life has a way of surprising you.

They shook hands and took their seats.


Zhao Yuegu could tell Dong Qingqing was visibly excited.

The road construction was finally looking hopeful!

After discussing the matter, Zhao Yuegu was clued in on the specifics.

The engineering companies capable of road construction had all been in talks with the road authority of Zeffari.

But the outcome was always the same: the town wouldn't foot the bill.

Even with substantial discounts offered.

The projects always fell through, one after another.

The stumbling block, as always, was money.

"To construct this road, we'll need to excavate a tunnel with a shield machine."

Zhao Yuegu probed, gauging the resources at Dong Qingqing's disposal.

"Don't worry, we have two shield machines ready to go, and we can get our hands on more if needed."

"We've worked on the Everbreach subway line and built its elevated highways. Building a road to Walden Village will be no issue for us."

"The only thing we'd need is to tap into Mr. Watermelon's online popularity."

"That won't be a problem," Zhao Yuegu responded promptly.

Online traffic didn't mean much to him.

The road construction, however, was a priority.

"When can you start? I'm ready to pay a deposit now."

Sun Ying's brow furrowed.

"You're a farmer, aren't you? How can you afford so much money?"

She had been biting her tongue, but finally, she couldn't keep it in any longer.

"Pretending to be a farmer is just one of his quirky hobbies," she blurted out.

Sun Ying had been itching to make that point!

Could a farmer shop in malls as if stocking up on supplies?

Could a farmer purchase a six-million-yuan car without batting an eye?

Could a farmer use a presidential suite as a storage room?

Are you kidding me?

There's no such farmer in the world.

Yet Zhao Yuegu just smiled and had the hotel bring over a card reader.

It seemed necessary to show off the account balance.

"Is that enough?"

Sun Ying immediately nodded.

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