C11 - Hunting, Grade S

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When Zhao Yuegu arrived at the vegetable patch, his eyes instantly reddened with fury.

The plot ravaged by the wild boar was his own!

The village's land was parceled out in sections to prevent a disaster in one area from affecting the entire crop yield.

The wild boar had targeted his less than one-acre field of rapeseed.

Now, the field was a sea of blossoming rapeseed flowers, yet the boar had brutally uprooted several paths through it.

"Damn it!"

Zhao had poured so much hard work into cultivating these crops.

And now...

They were all being torn up by that damned boar!

The system had only provided him with a handful of seeds.

But faced with the wild boar, nearly as tall as a man, Zhao didn't act rashly. He sought out higher ground instead.

As the saying goes: a boar is more fearsome than a bear, and a bear more than a tiger.

To the farmers, the threat of a wild boar surpassed that of bears and tigers!

This particular boar looked nearly supernatural, so much so that even bears and tigers would likely give it a wide berth.

At that moment, the program team, armed with electric prods and other weapons, cameras in hand, followed, eager to get closer.

"Zhao, don't do anything rash," the female director called out from a distance.

Lin Luqin was especially anxious.

She thought Zhao was being far too reckless in taking on the wild boar.

The boar's fearsome tusks could gut a man with a single charge!

Yet, Zhao had his crossbow fully drawn, aiming at the wild boar weaving through the rapeseed field.

"Son of a... this beast is hooked on my rapeseed!" Zhao cursed, his heart aching.

Rapeseed could be eaten as is, pressed for oil, and its flowers were stunning in bloom.

He didn't yet know the special properties of this particular variety provided by the system.

But considering the boar was so entranced by the taste that it couldn't stop eating, it was clear the flavor must be exceptional!

This only fueled Zhao's rage even more.

"The wild boar is within fifty meters."

"A crossbow bolt can reach it, but only a shot to the eye will inflict real damage."

"Hitting its body won't do much; the bolt would struggle to pierce its thick hide."

Zhao Yuegu inhaled deeply, aiming in silence, biding his time.

At last, the boar finished its meal and moved to a new spot, unwittingly revealing its eyes.

Now was the chance!

Zhao didn't hesitate; he squeezed the trigger decisively.

He preferred to hunt the boar rather than merely scare it off, driven not just by a grudge against the creature but also by the prospect of a higher system evaluation.

An S grade would mean a superior reward.

The bolt arced through the air with incredible speed. The boar, still savoring the rapeseed, was caught off guard.

An arrow might have been evaded, but not the crossbow bolt.

Its velocity was greater, its close-range impact more devastating.

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