C18 - No Matter What, It Was Raining

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The gift box opened slowly to reveal nothing special inside, just seeds.

"Super rice seeds?"

"Should be enough for an acre."

Zhao Yuegu stored the seeds in the system space.

The seeds from the cultivation system always had something unique about them.

What exactly made them special would only become clear once they were grown.

This sense of anticipation filled Zhao Yuegu with excitement about farming.

After all, delicious food was the best reward for oneself.

Despite the village's modest means, the food was pure and natural, free from pollution, and incredibly healthy.

That was one of the reasons Zhao Yuegu was fond of this place.

Leading the oxcart at a leisurely pace, Zhao Yuegu watched as Ma Yabei sat in the cart, her fair legs swinging playfully while she hummed a tune.

She was clearly savoring the moment of relaxation.

Here, she didn't have to worry about work, others' judgments, or any of those trivial matters.

This stress-free comfort was just too delightful!

"Zhao Yuegu, why don't you marry me? I'll farm rice with you."

Zhao Yuegu couldn't quite grasp Ma Yabei's thoughts.

They had only met a few days ago.

Were they already at the point of discussing marriage?

And besides...

Would her parents even agree?

"Sure, we can have our wedding night this evening," Zhao Yuegu said with a grin.

Ma Yabei's cheeks flushed crimson.

"Ah... so soon?"

"I'm not mentally prepared yet."

"I was only kidding."

Forced fruit is never sweet, and these matters, especially with a young woman, should unfold gradually.

Consent is key, isn't it?

A little playful teasing could be quite fun.

Seeing Zhao Yuegu's smile, Ma Yabei pouted.

She had thought him to be a straightforward man.

But why did he have to be so mischievous?

Every time she tried to playfully tease him, he turned the tables on her.

Yet, looking at him, she couldn't bring herself to stay mad.

Ma Yabei felt a momentary sulk, then let the thought pass.

"Ever since I was little, my mom said if I didn't do well in school, I should work the fields. But honestly, I don't see anything wrong with farming."

Zhao Yuegu preferred not to comment.

After all, what did she know about working the fields?

Certainly, having a beautiful woman for company while working was a treat.

Even just having her in front of you was a delight to the eyes.

Particularly when Ma Yabei tenderly wiped the sweat from Zhao Yuegu's brow, the subtle scent of his skin was utterly enchanting.

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