C7 - I will Marry My Brother When I Grow Up!

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Lin Luqin watched the big yellow dog, Towser, eagerly chomping on the watermelon, its juice streaming down. She winced, rubbing her head in mock agony.

The watermelon rind smelled so enticing!

She now regretted tossing out the earlier watermelon rinds!

Additionally, the Lin family's Towser wasn't the scrawny creature she had pictured. Its coat was sleek and shiny, a stark contrast to the siblings.

And it gnawed on the watermelon rind so gracefully, not a drop of juice staining its fur. Even its eyes sparkled with a unique intelligence.

"This dog almost seems like it's about to turn into a spirit," she mused, awestruck.

She even thought that if Towser starred in some short videos online, it would be an instant hit, captivating countless pet lovers.

"What breed is this dog? It looks so well-bred. It doesn't bite, does it?"

Lin Luqin was tempted to pet it but hesitated, pulling her hand back.

"It's just a mutt, go ahead and touch," Zhao Yuegu signaled with a glance, and Towser seemed to catch on instantly, contentedly allowing Lin Luqin to stroke its head and squinting its eyes in pleasure.

"It's too adorable!"

Lin Luqin's heart felt like it was melting.

She even thought that despite the village's hardships, having such a spirited pet made life more comfortable, instantly dispelling many worries.

Maybe staying here wouldn't be so bad after all.

The thought took her by surprise.

She even found herself stealing glances at the siblings.

Their simple attire couldn't mask their vibrant spirits.

Perhaps it was the challenging environment that honed such resilience.

"If they were to live in a big city, they'd surely stand out," Lin Luqin pondered.

Material scarcity couldn't overshadow their rich spirit.

She had been skeptical of the notion that some people exude an innate transcendence upon first meeting.

But now, after spending more time with Zhao Yuegu, she was a firm believer in such extraordinary individuals.

In this moment, she struggled to contain the thrill inside her. Just arriving in this village had already enriched her greatly.

And it was Towser's presence that had unexpectedly brought them all closer together.

The village elders have always fretted over my future, eager for me to settle down and ensure the village's legacy. They must've gotten the wrong idea seeing you, and for that, I truly apologize."

Lin Luqin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with a smile, still reveling in the joy of stroking the towser.

"I get it. My folks are always on my case to bring home a boyfriend too."

It seems the desires of elders everywhere tend to follow a similar thread.

Seeing their child with a peer of the opposite sex often leads to a leap of imagination.

Meanwhile, Zhao Xueman pouted and clung to Zhao Yuegu's arm.

"When I'm older, I'll marry my brother."

In that moment, she seemed determined, as if afraid someone else might whisk Zhao Yuegu away.

Lin Luqin cocked her head, "Well, you'll have to hurry up and grow then."

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