C12 - [Five Times the Physique Enhancement!] Lin Luqin's Worry

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S-rank evaluation!

"What's the reward?"

Zhao Yuegu gazed at the golden S-rank box that hovered in his mind.

"Open it."

"Congratulations, host, on obtaining a fivefold increase in physical strength!"

Immediately, a surge of power spread from his mind throughout his body. Zhao Yuegu could distinctly feel every cell vibrating, his muscles spasming in response.

Then came an unparalleled sensation of relief, as if he were floating on a cloud, surrounded by numerous gentle hands giving him a deep massage.

Pure bliss!

Regrettably, the sensation lasted only half a minute before it rapidly faded away.

In its place, his once-fatigued body was now brimming with vitality!

His strength had quintupled, his speed had increased, and his spirits were higher than ever.

Squeezing his arm, he could tell it was definitely more resilient than before.

"Even the physique of a special forces king would likely fall short of mine now!"

"If I encounter that wild boar again, I'm confident I could wrestle it barehanded and pummel it to death."

Zhao Yuegu's eyes shone with renewed brightness!

Without hesitation, he hoisted the deceased boar onto his shoulder.

Pork was pricey these days.

This two-meter beast must weigh close to 800 pounds!

Considering a large domestic pig averages around 400 to 500 pounds, this was a substantial amount of meat—enough to last a very long time!

With the massive wild boar on his back, Zhao Yuegu staggered slightly as he emerged from the woods.

Just outside the forest, he encountered the anxious program team members, weapons in hand, debating whether to venture into the woods.

Their eyes nearly bulged out when they saw the wild boar on Zhao's shoulder!

"Is that wild boar really dead?"

"Zhao Yuegu is incredibly strong!"


Amidst the accolades, Zhao Yuegu offered a bashful smile.

"Just luck, pure luck!"

Had the boar not impaled itself on the arrow, he might have struggled until the next day to bring it down.

"Zhao Yuegu, you're too humble."

"Here, let me help you with that heavy boar."

The cameraman approached with eager enthusiasm.

As he grappled with the wild boar, it remained utterly still on Zhao Yuegu's shoulder.

"Man, it's heavy!"

The cameraman chuckled, inhaled deeply, and his arm muscles swelled.

Yet, even with his face turning beet red, the boar didn't budge!

"I've been training hard to lift my camera gear."

"Why can't I move this boar at all?"

"How much does it weigh?"

Eventually, the cameraman had to call for backup.

"Could use a hand here!"

Three team members came over, but even with their combined effort, the boar only slightly wobbled on Zhao Yuegu's shoulder.

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