Chap 24

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As soon as Jin get out he run into the shop as the car drove away. He found Jungkook deep in thought walking back and forth,
.. Kookie.. he called out the latter stopped and looked at him , he waste no time to engulfed him in his embrace 🫂.
I was so afraid, I thought...
It's over baby, everything is just fine you're safe...
Jin cry there while kook was soothing him.
Soon he went to Seokie and the two just hug each other.

Mr Min we just got him , what do we do with him ?

Make him live a hell, then get rid of him , don't let the world know he ever existed 😠.

Understand count on me Mr.

*Call dismissed*

No one dare lay a finger on my love ones, specially make my Hoba cry. Yoongi said under his teeth before going back inside.

And sure nobody ever hear about him again...

                       ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .. 

The peace was back, everything just went well . The three following month Jungkook just stay with his husband, wherever he is or is going, he let all the work to Namjoon so he can ( poor Joonie 🤧 ) they were so beautiful and happy.


    Calm down Kook, everything gonna be fine , said Namjoon to an anxious Jungkook, he was unable to stay in place . He was at verge of crying but he nodded.
   He will tear up everytime he will hear his beloved angel scream and cry out loud in pain, Nam sighed , he hugged him patting his back.

It's was already the delivery day , and here they are at the hospital .

Soon the screams stopped, some minutes later a nurse comes out.
" Congratulations Mr Jeon, it's a baby boy" he congratulated with a smile.
How is my baby, is my love okay ? Was the first thing he asked.
" Yes he is fine just tired, wait sometimes and you can meet them " the nurse answered before going.
Jungkookie smile relieved. Congratulations bro 😁, thanks Joon 🫂.

   He went in and find both his angels sleeping peacefully, he looked at them with teary eyes, thank you very much love, to make me this happy he said kissing his husband's forehead, and welcome baby he said to the baby while leaving a kiss on his forehead too.

Just some days later they went home. The cutie Taehyung well healthy 🥰. Jin and Jungkook was over shining to have their little love 😚.

 Jin and Jungkook was over shining to have their little love 😚

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A month later, here is Yoongi going through the same emotions, he has to held himself not to break that door and go to his baby. Nam has to squeeze his hand to stop him from throwing death glare at the poor nurses passing by as if it was their fault Hoseokie was in pain ( it's your fault Mr Min 🥱 ) .
   He too was blessed with a baby boy ☺️. He can't be more happy to have his two sweetheart all fit and fine . He was so found of the cutie Jimin 😍.

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Happiness was all it lead to. Even if it didn't start at where it began, they have come to an resume and end , love was stronger. They finally write their story, it still is on going but sure they will keep it ...

  ✨ [The End] ✨

          It's time to say goodbye 😭🫂, already 🤧. Thanks for reading 🐱 till now Birdies, Lob u 🕊️💜💜...

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