Gavin Kemp

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In the deafening cacophony of screams and gunshots, Bakugo's powerful shoulder crashed into the emergency exit, forcing it open. He hauled you into his arms, his grip secure under your thighs. His whole demeanor seemed calm, as if none of this was truly happening and it was all a dream.

But it wasn't. It was a reality, your stomach twisted at the thought of anyone, including Soter getting hurt but you shook it out of your head. It was best not to think about that now and instead getting out, so you ignored the noise, your focus now solely on finding the way out.

He propelled you into the darkness beyond and you quietly gasped, realizing it was not an exit but a vast storage room.

It was cluttered with rows of towering boxes that loomed over you, obscuring your vision. The room was dimly lit by flickering emergency lights. Bakugo navigated the obstacles with ease, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous space.

Bakugo surged forward, his footsteps pounding against the concrete floor. At the end of the labyrinthine room, a glimmer of light beckoned. Bakugo quickened his pace, his breath ragged.

Suddenly, you heard a sound come from your left, you couldn't explain it but heard something. You instantly turned your head to the noise and strained your eyes, peering through the gloom. Your eyes adjusted to the dark and you saw a figure in the shadows.

You caught sight of a body that was curled up into a ball, hands shielding its head and eyes squeezed shut as if to block out the horrors of the outside world. A surge of recognition washed over you. "Stop!" you blurted out.

Bakugo's momentum carried him forward, but he hesitated at your command. "Huh?" he grunted, his brows furrowed in confusion as he stopped in his tracks fully.

Your gaze narrowed as you scrutinized the figure. Until your heart jumped in your chest as you realized who the figure was. It was him—the man from the back cover of the book.

That was the author.

Yet, he didn't look like the author. The man on the back cover looked more put together and younger, his hair and clothing close to perfect but now, he looked totally different. You almost didn't even notice that was him, his appearance had changed drastically from the picture. His hair was now a tangled mess, his clothes unfitted and wrinkled.

Bakugo followed your gaze, his expression hardening. "Who the hell is that?"

"I don't know," you replied, your voice trembling. You were trying to convince yourself that this wasn't the man, that this man who looked close to homeless could not be the author. He definitely looked like he couldn't help you, there was no point now.

But you knew you had to have hope. "But I think..." you trailed off as your mind raced, trying to make sense of the impossible. How could this man, frozen in time on the cover of a book, be standing before you now like this?

It's him," you whispered, your voice trembling. "The man from the book."

Bakugo cleared his throat, "hey, extra! What's your name?"

The man slowly lifted up his head, you could see it in his eyes how scared and confused he was. He must've been traumatized by all the fighting and killing, he still tried to protect himself now, never taking his hands off of his head.

The man just kept staring at the both of you, never responding as his body still trembled.

"Answer me," Bakugo growled.

Another gunshot was fired and he flinched, looking over to the emergency exit door. It was clear that he wasn't going to answer, he was in shock. Being in shock made you feel like this, as if you were stuck in place and you could never do anything. You've felt like that before.

"What was his name?" you asked Bakugo, thinking of a better way to figure who he was. The name of the author was at the tip of your tongue. It was so close.

Bakugo clicked his tongue, also thinking. "Given- Gavin, Gavin...something."

"Oh, oh, oh!" You said, snapping your fingers together.

Unluckily for Bakugo your snaps were right in his ear, "Fucking stop that!" He shouted, moving his head away in irritation.

You let out a nervous chuckle, "sorry." You looked over to the man again, he didn't look that much afraid anymore. He looked a bit more curious but still there was some fear. However, at least he was curious of something. Maybe that curiosity was because of the bickering you two had started. "Are you Gavin Kemp?"

The man straightened his posture and stared right at you, he practically shot up at the name. He definitely was Gavin Kemp.

"Mr. Kemp, we need your help and we don't have much time," you tried to explain but Bakugo groaned. You guessed that you weren't fast or maybe not firm enough for Bakugo.

"Get your ass up extra, you're coming with us."

Gavin nodded and shakily rose to his feet, his legs dragging against the ground as he moved toward the two of you. You could hear the taps of Bakugo's foot, clearly he was an impatient person.

"It's ok, Mr. Kemp, we're here to help you," you told him. It was half of a lie, you needed more of his help than the other way around but telling him that might've calmed him down. Having two people come help you sounded like a good thing...right?

Now that you thought about it, not really. You were injured, your leg dripping down blood onto Bakugo's clothing. And Bakugo...he was just Bakugo, without a quirk. The two of you just looked like reckless, young teenagers trying to find their way out of a dangerous place. 

Gavin wouldn't know your true story until you told him, but that was for later. Right now you needed to get out.

Gavin had taken longer than expected, finally coming out into the light, you knew it was Gavin Kemp by then. You could see it in his nose, the long feature running smoothly down his face, and his narrowed eyes made it look like he was always glaring, just as in the photo. There were so many similar features on the man you couldn't keep track, you already knew that this was him...unless he had an identical twin, which would be impossible under these conditions.

Bakugo jumped a bit, pushing you higher up on his back. "Ok, let's move," he said as he began to walk.

You looked behind you, Gavin slowly following behind. He was old but not that old to be walking to slowly and weakly, was he hurt?

You turned your head back around and laid your head on Bakugo's shoulder, everything was turning or spinning. You held onto him just a bit tighter, your eyes becoming heavy. You tried to stop the feeling but everything just kept spinning, even more faster than before.

At the edges of your eyesight black spots appeared, your eyes drooping fully before everything went black.

Two Lives-One Universe || Bakugo x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon