Commencing Healing

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The bus rolled to a stop, the breaks squeaking loudly as it came to a halt. You suddenly jolted forward slightly, your body adjusting to the sudden change in speed.

Mr. Akerman announced the next stop, his voice crackling through the speakers. You stood up ready to leave, but when Bakugo didn't get up you had to nudge him. He wore his hat over his eyes, showing that he was completely asleep.

You shook his shoulder and he stirred awake, peeling the hat off of his eyes. "I think you should zip up your coat," you whispered to him as you pointed at the gray sweater he wore, now leaking with red from the wound.

With some acknowledgment Bakugo stood and zipped up the coat. The two of you walked through the aisle of the bus and as the doors opened, the sound of bustling city streets flooded in.

The once quiet and contained bus now filled with the sounds of honking cars, chattering pedestrians, and the occasional street performer. The scent of exhaust and coffee wafted in, mixing with sweat and perfume.

You inhaled the scents as you walked down the steps of the bus, jumping out to see the city. Even though you came time to time for work, it still amazed you. After all, you were a suburban person.

The city was a sprawling metropolis, a concrete jungle that seemed to stretch on for miles. Skyscrapers towered over the bustling streets, their reflective glass facades glinting in the sunlight. The sound of car horns and the chatter of people filled the air, creating a symphony of urban chaos.

And even though it was chaos, you loved it. A small smile grew on your face as you heard the doors close and with the breaks squeaking again, the bus continued on its journey.

You looked to your side to see Bakugo standing right beside you, taking it all in with you.

"This place looks even better at night, you should see it before you go," you said with a smile as you began your journey.

Even though you came from the suburbs, you knew your way around. You took the same bus here five days a week for your jobs. And you always broke into a boasting personality when you called yourself an expert in navigating the city, you knew every nook and cranny, every hidden shortcut and every secret passage.

Your knowledge of the city was unparalleled, so you moved through the streets with ease, weaving in and out of crowds, dodging cars and bicycles while Bakugo was left behind to catch up with you. It was as if you were a local.

You then slowed down at a corner, your body tense and your heart racing. The city streets were bustling with people, cars honking and street vendors calling out their goods. But you paid no attention to the chaos around you, your focus solely on the traffic light above.

"Slow the fuck down," Bakugo shouted as he tried to keep himself together, you held in a chuckle as you saw him quietly gasp for air.

You shrugged as you apologized, "Sorry."

"And where are you even dragging me?" Bakugo shouted as he straightened himself out, he was trying so hard to look normal.

"I've already said it, not gonna say it twice," you teased as your eyes darted straight back to the traffic light.

It felt like you had been standing there for hours, but in reality, it had only been a few minutes. Time seemed to slow down in moments like these, when you were waiting for something important to happen.

As the signal affirmed an acceptance of walking, your heart started pounding even louder. You could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you took your first step onto the busy street, every time you crossed these streets it felt like your first time. The sound of car engines, the chatter of people, and the screeching of brakes all blended together.

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