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The world was a swirling kaleidoscope of white and gray. Blurry figures flitted around you, their voices a muffled chorus. You were being moved, that much was clear.

A cold, hard surface pressed against your back, and the rhythmic bump-bump-bump of wheels against the floor echoed in your ears.

"Goddamnit, move faster!" A voice cut through the muffled din, clear and urgent. It sounded like Bakugo.

Your heart hammered against your ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the steady rhythm of the wheels. Fear, cold and sharp, clawed at your throat. You tried to speak, to ask what was happening, but your voice wouldn't come.

"Go faster!" Bakugo's voice echoed again, strained and desperate.

You struggled to focus, to understand. The figures around you seemed to move faster, their faces contorted with urgency. The white walls blurred, the sterile smell of the hospital intensified, filling your nostrils with a metallic tang.

"What's happening?" You finally managed to whisper, the words lost in the cacophony of the hallway.

"Just hold on, Uso-tsuki," Bakugo's voice, a soothing balm in the storm, reached you. "You're going to be okay. I fucking promise you that."

It was weird to hear that kind of tone in his voice, he had been so angry and yet sounded so calm when he spoke to you. You tried to believe Bakugo's words, knowing he would always tell the truth, but the fear wouldn't subside.

The world was spinning, the lights were blurring, and the rhythmic thump of the wheels became a deafening roar. You felt yourself sinking, slipping away into the darkness.

Then, a blinding flash of light, a sharp, searing pain, and you were gone.

You woke up to the soft, rhythmic beeping of a machine and the faint scent of antiseptic. You blinked awake slowly, looking around the room.

The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of the nursing station casting a gentle light through the doorway. The air was cool and sterile, the scent of antiseptic lingering in the air. The walls were a pale, soothing blue, adorned with a few generic prints of nature scenes. The floor was a shiny, gray linoleum that reflected the overhead lights.

Your whole entire body was numb, you felt like you could barely move a muscle. But you could feel something in your hand, you knew you had to turn to see what it was.

You slowly moved your head to the side, it hadn't hurt at all when you moved, maybe it was because you couldn't feel your body. 

You looked over to see a figure, couldn't make out the person since everything was still blurry. You had to squint to see who it was and it had been Bakugo, his hand resting gently on yours.

You let out a groan as you closed your eyes, a sharp pain prickling at the back of your head. You then exhaled quietly and tried to move yourself, knowing that you wouldn't feel anything. But surprisingly, there was a shot of pain that ran through your body, you groaned again.

You slowly brought your arms closer to yourself. Your jaw clenched tightly as your arm screamed for rest, but you knew you couldn't, there was so much to be done.

"Stop doing that," Bakugo scolded. His voice sounded scratchy, as if he'd been screaming a lot. 

You looked at him again, finally taking in how he looked and it didn't seem like a good difference.

He sat slumped in a chair beside your bedside. His usual fiery gaze was now dulled, replaced by a profound weariness. The sharp angles of his face had softened, and the perpetual scowl had given way to a weary resignation. His body, once tense with barely contained energy, now sagged with exhaustion.

Before all this he had seemed more relaxed and somewhat happy, but now all that had changed. You tried to smile, hoping that it would make Bakugo feel better but your face was so numb that you didn't know if you had.

"Katsuki?" You croaked, your voice raspy.

He grunted, his brows furrowed in a mixture of worry and annoyance. "You're finally awake. Took you long enough."

"What...what happened?" You tried to sit up again but the pain in your leg made you whimper and collapse back onto the pillow.

"You got hurt, idiot," Bakugo said, his voice softening a little. "You took a shot right to the leg. It's a miracle you didn't lose it."

A wave of nausea hit you. A shot? You recalled the fight, the chaos, the shouts and Gavin and a flash of light... and then nothing.

"What about the others?" You rasped, your voice barely audible. 

Bakugo raised an eyebrow at that. You guessed he didn't understand what you had meant so you tried to explain it. "Those people in the store, Soter, and Gavin."

"They're fine," Bakugo said, his voice tight. "Everyone's fine. Except for you, of course."

He didn't say it with malice, but you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. You'd been reckless, foolish. You'd risked your life, and everyone else's, for what?

You closed your eyes, trying to process everything. Your leg throbbed, a constant reminder of your stupidity. But it hadn't been stupid and you knew it, you knew if you hadn't he would've killed Bakugo...or hurt him in some way.

Protecting Bakugo was your top priority, which sounded a bit weird but it was. You had promised to get him back home and that meant safely too. It shouldn't have been an action you should regret, you should've been proud of it and you knew that.

But it didn't feel like a victory. You still didn't know was why Aides was so ok with hurting Bakugo...that was a question you still needed an answer to. 

The room spun again, just as it did earlier and you felt a wave of exhaustion wash over you.

"Rest," Bakugo said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "You need to heal." 

You nodded weakly, your eyelids drooping. You could hear him muttering something under his breath, but you couldn't quite make it out. He was still there when you drifted off to sleep, a silent guardian in the sterile white room.

When you woke again, the room was still white, but the silence was broken by a soft humming. You opened your eyes to see Bakugo, his face softened, his eyes closed as he hummed a tune you couldn't quite place. It was a strange sight, seeing the explosive, fiery Bakugo so...calm.

He looked up and saw you staring at him. He stopped humming and his face flushed slightly. "What?" he snapped, but his voice held no bite.

" were humming," you said, your voice still weak.

He scoffed. "I was trying to keep you company, you idiot. Didn't want you to get bored."

You smiled, a genuine smile this time. "Thank, Kats."

He grunted, but you saw a flicker of something in his eyes, something that resembled... gratitude? It was a fleeting moment, gone as quickly as it came, but it was enough to warm the chill in your heart.

As you laid there, recovering, you realized that even in the sterile confines of a hospital room, surrounded by the smell of disinfectant and the constant hum of machinery, you weren't alone. You had Bakugo, and that was enough.

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