
Start from the beginning

"Hell yeah! Let's do it." Yume cheesed jumping around.

"Woooooow. I can't with y'all." Stokeley smacked his lips.

"Ight, bye bye baby. See you Wednesday." Nick leaned down to kiss Yume on his forehead but the boy grabbed his face kissing him on the forehead instead.

"Tell Dae Dae I see him soon."

"I will." Nick confirmed then Yume ran off  outside. The two listened for the fading footsteps. The front door open and closed. A second later Nick felt arms around him and he was being pulled into a tight embrace.

"You always smelling good." Stokeley mumbled nuzzling his face against Nick's neck sniffing as much of the intoxicating scent as he could. Nick moved his head sideways connecting their lips.

"I don't like this sneaking around shit." He hummed into stokeley's lips.

"I know. I'm sorry." Stokeley mumbled turning him fully around so they could face each other. He wasted no time connecting their lips again. His hands moved, groping and rubbing on soft skin.

"Go. Yume is waiting outside." Nick moaned out but snorted when Stokeley let out a whine. He didn't want to leave. "Stokeley..." Nicholas dragged out trying to step away but the man chased after him. He sighed and just stood there allowing him to suck on his neck probably leaving marks. He didn't mind, if anything he was here for it. There was something about covering a hickey that excited him. Brought him back to his youthful days when he was a fast and reckless teenager.

"Alright, one more kiss and I'm gone." Stokeley burgained. Nick rolled his eyes looping his arms around the man's neck and kissing him. Once then twice and then the third time he added some tongue.

"That's three. Now go." He finally managed to release himself from the man.

"I'll be back." Stokeley smirked his way winking then started slowly backing away out of the room. Nick shook his head following after him to close and lock the door. "See you soon beautiful." Stokeley stole one last kiss. "Bye. I love you." And with that he rushed out through the porch and to his car.

Nicholas stood there frozen up, one hand on the door and the other hanging in the air. He wasn't even blinking and his mouth hang open in a small o shape. He could feel his guts twisting up and churning as Stokeley's words replayed in his head.

He said he loved him? Love. Not to mention the casual way it just slipped out. Like it was something obvious which had been stated numerous times before. Love. His heart fluttered and all of a sudden he was feeling giddy. A stupid grin plastered on his face and he finally unfroze from his stunned position.  He shook his head closing and locking the door like he was supposed to.

"He said-he loves me!" Nick repeated to himself as if saying the words would make them more real and true. "Oh shit! He said he loved me!" And that's when it finally sank in.


"Did you take the test yet?" Cordae's voice filtered through the room making Nick look up from his legs.  He was busy clipping his nails.

"Not yet but I'll get to it in a minute." He replied looking back down.

"Soooooo what you gone do when it come out positive?" Cordae asked the question that had been bugging him.

"I honestly dunno Dae. I mean, my life just getting on track. A baby is not something I planned this soon." Nick clipped the last toe then stretched his feet wiggling the toes. Once satisfied with the look, he nodded to himself placing the nail cutter away.

"Do he know you planning on taking the test."

"I haven't told him yet. He might just freak out or something. " Nick chuckled.

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