Chapter 6: 3rd monkey?

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It was the next day, Iraa, Aditi and Kriti had just finished their day in the college when Dev came to pick them up in a cab. "Where's your car?" Aditi asked. "Ah woh tire puncture, we just need to go little ahead, Sidharth will come to pick us up" he said and the girls sat in the cab.

"So are you the 3rd monkey?" he asked looking at Kriti. She adjusted her specs and asked "Excuse me?" "Ahh sorry i meant musketeer, The third musketeer!" he said quickly incase she got offended. "Huhh" she didn't reply to him. Iraa and Aditi laughed.

Soon after they reached near Sidharth's car. Everyone sat but there was no space for Iraa. "Guys what now? abh where do i sit?" she asked. "You can sit in my car" someone said and she turned around. It was Vedang.

"You also came?" she asked shocked. "UNFORTUNATELY" he said and huffed. "Alright quickly go and sit we are leaving" Dev said had their car left. They both moved towards his car. "Wait" Iraa said and went to an old lady who looked like was trying to sell flowers since a very long time. Iraa went and bought some from her making her smile.

She came and Vedang opened the door for her. "Ohhh quite a Gentleman huh?" she said trying to tease him. "Would do you sit now?" he asked rolling his eyes. She giggled and sat inside saying a small thank you.

She was looking at the flowers and taking photos of it. "Do you want them?" she asked Vedang. "Why would you buy it if you didn't want it?" he asked confused. "She was trying to sell them kitne der se, so I thought I'll help her out and besides lilies are my favorite, it's not like I don't want them, I just asked" she said. "Ohh Alright then, keep them since you like it" Vedang said. "You can have two" she Said and removed it from the small bunch keeping them in the small vase thing he had in his car.

The bustling streets of the city were alive with the sounds of laughter and chatter as the group of youngsters made their way through the crowded market. Karan too joined them. Aditi, Sidharth and Karan kept talking about the upcoming trip to Manali, while Dev kept teasing the shy Kriti.

Iraa talked about different things in the market and Vedang just listened to her badbad.

Iraa said excitedly to Kriti "Can you believe we're finally going to Manali? It's going to be so much fun!" Meanwhile Dev sarcastically said, "Fun? I highly doubt it. It's just a bunch of mountains and snow". Aditi said playfully ,"Oh, come on, Dev Don't be such a mood spoiler. You might actually enjoy yourself if you give it a chance." Dev just rolled his eyes.

Kriti looked at him with annoyed expression and said, "if you're going to be like that, then I guess you can just stay home" "So aap baat bhi karti hai" Dev again teased her making her all red.

As they wandered through the market, Iraa couldn't help but notice Vedang's quietness. Determined to lighten the mood, she decided to make him talk.

Iraa called him holding up a pair of hiking boots, "see, Vedang, these are the perfect boots aapke liye. They're sturdy, comfortable, and they'll keep your feet warm in the snow" . Vedang examined the boots skeptically and said "They look too flashy for my taste. I prefer something more practical."

She rolled her eyes, "Practical?You're just afraid to step out of your comfort zone" she teased him. Vedang defensively said, " I am not! I just prefer things to be simple and functional" . Iraa pouted at this response.

Their playful argument continued as they made their way through the market. At the end Vedang did buy those shoes, secretly enjoying the lively exchange.

Meanwhile, Karan, Sidharth and Dev exchanged amused glances as they watched the playful banter between Iraa and Vedang. They knew that despite their differences, there was an undeniable chemistry between the two.

Sidharth smirked at Vedang and said "Looks like you've met your match, Vedang" but Vedang shut him up.

As they reached the end of their shopping
trip, a sense of unease settled over Vedang as he realized that despite his best efforts to push her away, Iraa had somehow managed to worm her way into his heart.

Vedang to himself, "What am I getting myself into?"

With thoughts of the upcoming Manali in their minds, everyone bid farewell to each other, each secretly looking forward to the adventures.

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