file 027 | a secret reunion

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"None of it works," Suzume revealed, surprising the little scientist. "Hikaru's gotten his hands on just about every medication for insomnia he could find. They all work for about a day or two, but are completely ineffective after that."

"That's not normal," Haibara murmured. "Do you have any idea why?"

Suzume chuckled humorlessly. "Nightmares, never-ending guilt, trauma," she listed. "And that's only a couple of reasons. Want me to keep going?"

Haibara was unimpressed and it showed on her face, making the detective stifle a chuckle. A sneeze from Agasa drew their attention to the professor. He sneezed again before blowing his nose into a tissue.

"Next stop, Beika 3rd chome, front of the Kodama Products main building. Next stop, Beika 3rd chome, front of the Kodama Products main building."

The bus came to a stop and people got off at their stop. After a few minutes, the bus resumed its route.

"Professor, are you sure you're up for skiing?" Suzume asked, leveling the older man with an unimpressed stare.

"It's his own fault," Haibara said. "I told him to stop because he would catch a cold, but he stayed up all night watching those "How to Ski" tapes for image training."

"I guess you're right," Agasa conceded with a miserable look on his face, his nose red. "I'm in charge of you kids. I've got to set a good example."

"But when we get there, you've got to keep still and stay in bed at the lodge," Ayumi said, leaving no room for argument from her spot next to Agasa.

Mitsuhiko popped up from his spot on the seats in front of Agasa and Ayumi. "Like they say, the beginning of a cold is the most crucial time."

"You'd better not push yourself and go outside," Genta said as he turned in his seat as well.

"All right," Agasa murmured, surprised.

Sometimes I can't tell who the kid is, Suzume thought with a fond smile as she turned her head to look out the window.

"Next stop, in front of Beika Park. Next stop, in front of Beika Park."

The bus came to a stop and several people climbed onto the bus.

"Hey, the passengers are boarding now," Agasa said to the two boys. "Please stay in your seats."

"Yes, sir."

Haibara looked at the detective next to her with a small smile. "You look like you're about to die of boredom," she noted in amusement.

Suzume blinked at her and sighed. "Do I?" she muttered. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Are you already missing your girlfriend?" Haibara asked.

"No!" Suzume's cheeks reddened, and Haibara gave her a look. Her shoulders slumped. "Maybe a little. It's not just that, though."

"Oh?" The shrunken scientist raised an eyebrow.

"I'm on edge," the detective said. "It's been about a month since we last heard from them. It worries me slightly."

She watched the passengers walk onto the bus and find their seats with a disinterested look on her face. Haibara turned to watch them as well.

"I can tell if they're a member," Haibara said, making Suzume raise an eyebrow. "They have a certain smell. It's an unpleasant smell, only those who're in the Organization give it off..."

Suzume sniffed, giving the girl a smirk. "I don't smell anything on you," she joked.

"Will you stop kidding around?" Haibara sighed.

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