42: Kokushibou

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a/n: don't forget to comment and happy readings!!

(y/n) was by herself once again on a mission. Honestly, as much as she prefers traveling solo, she'd rather have a travel-buddy since it can get kinda lonely, especially without the kamaboko trio whom were each partaking in their own missions as well. Also...a lot of shit happens when she's by herself..—

Speaking of, the foreign girl feels someone trailing after and they were definitely not being subtle about it. It had been a while now and she presumed they were a lower class demon with no conscience whatsoever. She was on high alert, hand to her hilt in case she needed to withdraw her sword.

although, it was getting annoying by how this demon was keeping pace with her. Annoying little shit...!

(y/n) whirls around after feeling fed up, "ALRIGHT, COME ON OUT YOU PIECE OF SHIT...—" she freezes,
seeing a miniature size of kokushibou staring up at her with a nonchalant gaze. His huge six eyes frightened her for just a moment, especially since it was dark out, it looked like glowing eyeballs!

She narrows her eyes at him, "what do you want now?? Why are you following me??! I thought you were loyal to muzan!" She accuses, pointing a finger in his direction as kokushibou moves closer to her but still maintaining a distance.

kokushibou, despite his disgraceful appearance as a fake toddler (his chibi version), he answers her questions, "you know about him and i, something that should have been buried a long time ago, also...." He pauses, "you intrigue me," he says nonchalantly.

(y/n) wasn't sure if his answer was supposed to make her feel better that he didn't kill her yet (not like he can). Probably not.

"what are you? why do i feel this way for you? A pathetic human." kokushibou demands answers as (y/n) gapes at the audacity like she was some kind of...thing!! He felt this...excitement he had never felt before. This feeling was different from how he felt towards his deceased brother and his master.

The foreign girl splutters, "what do you mean 'what am i?'..and who're you calling pathetic!??" She gawks, "clearly your eyeballs must not be working if you can't tell that i am human!..besides, how am i supposed to know why you're feeling the way you do, maybe you're just sick!!" She points accussingly at him.

sick? highly unlikely. Demons don't get sick. kokushibou remains stoic. He continues following (y/n) as she travels to her destination for her mission. At this point, she simply ignores him. She was supposed to convince him onto her side but this guy was stubborn as a mule and she did not have the time and energy to exhaust on him. eh, maybe a miracle might happen..—

(y/n) soon arrives in a poorly downtrodden village, kokushibou hid in the trees and decided to simply sit and wait like the good doggie he is..— the foreign girl slowly paces through the area and is deeply saddened by the conditions of the place. Her frown prominent on her beautiful features.

she pauses in her steps and remains a distance from a crematorium which was taking place in the open with small villagers gathering around, a elderly woman was on her knees sobbing her eyes out as the people can only show sympathy for her loss. who died..? RIP you poor soul..

trying to get more info, (y/n) approaches the small crowd and taps on one of the men on the shoulder whom jolted at the sudden contact and snaps his head toward her, "excuse me?...but what's going on here??" She tilts her head to the side.

the man exhales slowly, darting his eyes back to the pyre, "old lady hagano lost her only son yesterday. The poor kid was brutally torn apart, some surmise it was a wild animal on the loose but i think otherwise!..what killed that poor kid was definitely not human! This is the fourth accident to happen in a row and because of it, everyone decided to close up shop early to stay in the safe havens of their home! Unless this monster isn't caught and killed, this madness will not stop!" He heatedly proclaims before walking away.

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin