43: Kidnapped

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a/n: don't forget to comment and happy readings! This is a lil bit of a short chapter compared to the others, lol.

"NEH, WHERE IS THIS PLACE TAMALE!?" Inosuke shouts at tanjiro, whom exasperatedly looks at the boar-head whom failed to pronounce his name no matter how much he taught him. At this point, he was dubbed so many names, he can barely count them. What the heck is a tamale??? Is that even a word!??

(y/n) and the kamaboko trio were finally on a mission together after so long. It felt nostalgic and she missed the ruckus and chaos that came with it. She didn't know but the foreign girl had a feeling the number of demons were slowly diminishing with every mission they take.

zenitsu rolls his eyes at inosuke, an irk mark on his face, "were you not paying attention to the kasugai crow, you oaf!!?"

"WHO'RE YOU CALLING AN OAF, YOU OAF!!!" inosuke shouts, steam escaping the nostrils of his boar-hide as irritation seeps through his voice. The two began to bicker as tanjiro and (y/n) watch with a sweat-drop.

(y/n) sighs exasperatedly, a headache forming from all the vigorous yelling and before she knew it, she was yelling at them too, "SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU WEINERS!!!"


"..what's a weiner??" zenitsu asks with a tilt of his head. (y/n) sighs exasperatedly, at least the fighting stopped, "is that a type of food??" oh god...—

"...don't mind.." the foreign girl waves her hand offhandedly, making the kamaboko trio confused. She ushers them forward as they continue on their long ass journey by foot cause futuristic cars haven't been invented yet!

upon arrival, the kamaboko trio and (y/n) gaze at the place, nostalgia coursing through their veins, "this...oddly feels like the tsuzumi mission, doesn't it?" they nod, except for inosuke whom was trying to recall what mission it was.

"....AH!!! ISN'T THAT THE ONE WHERE I BEAT UP REBECCA!??" inosuke points to zenitsu, whom had an irk mark on his head. He cackles, "mwahahaha!!..you were very weak.." he bluntly insults the yellow-haired male.

zenitsu snaps, attempting to charge at inosuke when tanjito easily held him back by the back of his collar, "OKAY THAT'S IT!!! LET ME GO, TANJIRO!!" He screeches like a mad man, eyes white and crazy.


after that whole ass commotion, the trio embark in the building as (y/n) trails after them from behind. Hey, she gotta watch out for herself, ya know? if any demon were to spring an attack on them, they would be the first to get it. hehehehe...

(y/n) shivers as she stays close to tanjiro, without her demon pals, she was feeling lonely and without protection. Her chances of being protected by rui and the others were one hundred percent (kinda).

tanjiro covers his nose, a grimace on his face as the four of them slowly descend the hallways, "it reeks of blood." He murmurs, putting his hand down as he clenches the hilt of his sword. It wasn't long before the demon approached them first, more like lunges from the ceiling above them. Ew, a creepy-crawler!

"watch out!!" zenitsu clutches onto (y/n) as inosuke wastes no time in attacking the demon while the foreign girl uses her powers to immobilize him, giving the boar-head time to sever the neck as the demon collapsed onto the ground and dissipated in thanos-dust style.

There was a brief silence, "...tch, that was quick." inosuke mumbles irritatedly, huffing as he was hoping for a much better challenge to test his strength.

(y/n) blinks, "actually, that was because of me. If i hadn't immobilized him you probably would've taken forever to kill it, hence why i sped up the process. hehehe.." she grins mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows.

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now