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Y/n is 18 Vera is 50

~Y/n pov~

"Y/n i want to go now!" my mom yelled "yeah yeah i'm on my way!" i said and got into my shoes and run down.

"i'm here" i said "good" she said i nod on the way home we are gonna pick up a friend of mine okay?" she asked i nod.

"why doesn't she just join us now?" i asked "thats a good idea" she said i chuckle she called her friend.

"hey do you want to join us shopping for school and then go to ours?" she asked she listened "okay see you in a bit" she said and hung up.

"should i go into the back then?" i asked she nod i nod too she started driving soon we got to a house and its big as fuck.

she honk the car i jumped she chuckled i moved to the back a woman came out she sat in my mouth hung wide open.

"No way" i mumble i called my best friend "you won't believe who is in my mom's car!" i said my mom laughed "who?!" my best friend asked "Vera fucking Farmiga!" i said.

now Vera laughed "Oh god Y/n you need to keep your obsession in!" she said "she is so freaking hot in real life" i mumble "okay honey hang up please" my mom said.

"okay see you next week" i said "see you" she said i hung up i looked at my mom "why didn't you told me she is coming?!" i asked.

"you still didn't said hey tho" she said "i'm sorry hey Vera" i said "hey Y/n" she said "she knows my name!" i said they chuckled.

we got to the school stuff store we got out my mom hand me a basket "get what ever youwant but remember its for school" she said i nod.

soon i finished "really so much?!" she asked "hehe" i said she rolled her eyes i chuckle she payed for it we got to our car we sat in i saw behind my mom this time so i can look at Vera.

"how did you even met?" i asked "uh she saw your fanpage and saw that you are following me and thought that i would be your mom and we started to be friends" she said.

"wow" i whispered they chuckle we got to our house i took my stuff and walked into my room i set the stuff on my bed i spread everything.

i called my best friend over Video she answered "okay you are gonna watch me packing my stuff for school" i said she chuckled.

~2 hours later~

"finally" my best friend said i laughed "can you play piano?" she asked i nod i set my phone on my piano and started playing she looked at me.

smiling i heard footsteps i looked Vera sat on my bed now i smiled she smiled back.

i finished playing "your mom told me you're playing piano but i never thought this good" she said i smiled "I'm pretty good with my fingers" i said.

"yes she is!" Jacky said "Jacks!" i said she smirked "in which way does she mean that?" Vera asked "Both" i said.

"are you together?" she asked "what no no no no we had a one night stand and thats how we met completely" i said.

"that's cool" she said i nod she leaned to my ear "i would love to find out if you're really good" she whispered and left my mouth hung wide open.

"what what what!?" Jacky said "i would love to find out if you're really good" i said what she said she gasped.

"girl get her into your bed!" she said "what?! no not yet!" i said she smirked we hung up i watched some funny moments of Vera.

on youtube i chuckled i saw her playfully hitting Patrick and he fake hissed "i wouldn't mind if she would hit me" i blurred out.

"oh you would?" Vera asked i jumped "oh god don't scare me!" i said she chuckled we held eye contact i blushed.

she looked at my TV "can i watch with you?" she asked i nod she sat next to me i looked at the Tv so did she my phone buzzed i looked. 

*my love ❤️* i gulped "you have a girlfriend?" she asked "yeah but i want to break up soon" i said she nod i answered the call.

"hey Haze" i said "where is the nickname?" she asked "i can't really talk right now" i said "why are you cheating on me?" she asked "no i'm not i'm just busy" i said she hums and hung up.

i groaned "i want to tease her can i make you some hickeys?" she asked i blushed "what?" i asked.

"can i make you some hickeys?" she asked i blushed harder she chuckled "can i?" she asked i nod she got on top of me i blushed harder "i just hope you don't- oh fuck" i cut myself off.

"what did you wanted to say?" she asked "i just hope you don't find my good spot but you did" i mumbled.

she chuckled "you mean that one?" she asked and started sucking on my spot i quietly moaned.

she chuckled she made some more "i never thought a 50 year old woman would be so good!" i mumbled she laughed "your neck looks prettier now" she said i chuckle.

i walked into the bathroom i checked my neck "Vera they are huge!" i said she smirked as she walked behind me.

"you don't like it?" she fake frowned "i do" i said she chuckled.

~next week~

and since then Vera came over just to make sure the hickeys are still there and if not then she will redo them.

i walked into school "you are cheating on me!" Hazel said "i wanted to break up in the holidays but i didn't wanted to ruin it for you so i waited" i said.

she scoffed "i never loved you anyways" she said "well then we are quit" i said she gasped and walks away.

i smirked to myself.

~after school~

i walked out i rolled my eyes as i saw Vera leaning against her car i walked to her and hugged her she hugged back "How was first day honey?" she asked.

"boring and never ask that again" i said she laughed she kissed my forehead i smiled i looked at her lips.

i noticed Hazel staring at us "you want to show my now ex that i belong to you?" i asked "Oh hell yes is she around?" she asked "she is staring at us" i whispered.

she smirked and kissed me i kissed back my hands slid down to her back while hers are on my neck i smiled.

she pulled me closer our tongues touching then there were flashes "shit" i mumbled "get in the car honey" she said i nod i got into the car so did she.

she drove off "I will never go to school" i said she laughed she put her hand on my thigh "oh and i uh have to go to london for a few weeks" she said "how many?" i asked.

"4 weeks" she said my jaw widen "what?!" i asked "i'm sorry love" she said i frown "i'll miss you" i said "I'll miss you too" she said.

~4 weeks later~

i walked out of my school i saw Vera i gasped i run to her and jumped into her arms she held me up i hugged her tight.

"i missed you so much!" i said "I missed you too my love" she whispered i looked at her "aww don't cry" she whispered as she saw my tears.

she let me down and wiped them away with her thumb "i just missed you" i frown "i missed you too my love" she whispered.

"lets get you home alright?" she asked i nod she peeks my lips i got into the car she got in too and started driving.

we got to my house we got out i walked inside we walked into my room she pushed me on my bed i chuckle.

words: 1328

Vera Farmiga x Fem reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now