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Y/n is 17 Vera is 17 

~Y/n pov~

i sat at the end of my bed one leg on the other my guitar in hand i know my sisters best friend is here too.

and i caught feelings for her which my sister found out and told her but she doesn't want anything with me and i'm okay with it.

i started to play *Can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley* and i sung the lyrics.

~Vera pov~

"i didn't know your sister plays Guitar" i said "is it can't help falling in love?" i asked "yup it is and she plays since she is 3" she said.

"oh okay" i said she nod "if you both should get together one day please promise me you won't hurt her she has been going trough heartbreaks a lot" she said.

i nod she smiles softly i walked out of the room i looked into Y/n's room she sat on her bed playing guitar now she is singing Yellow by Coldplay.

she looked at me and smiled i smiled back her voice is like an angel Harper came to me "her voice is beautiful right?" she asked.

i nod i leaned against the door frame looking at Y/n "so you do love her" Harper whispered i nod "i do i just had to figured it out when you told me she loves me" i said.

Y/n looked at us she stopped singing "you love me?" she asked i looked at Harps "okay i'll go" she said and walked into her room.

"can i come in?" i asked she nod i walked in and closed the door "its like that i know i said i don't feel the same i did but i had to make sure i really love you" i said.

"so you do?" she asked i knelt down in front of her "i do yeah" i said taking her hands in mine she smiled.

we locked eyes "i really love you i can promise you i wouldn't lie and i'm gonna keep you save no matter what" i said.

her eyes teared up "whats wrong?" i asked "no one ever said something that cute to me" she mumbled "oh dear" i said and hugged her she hugged back.

i slowly pulled away "will you be mine?" i asked she nod happy i smiled "yes!" i heard Harps say "did you just listened us?!" Y/n asked.

"no" Harps said and walked away "typical her" i mumble "yep" Y/n agrees i chuckle i kissed her forehead "alright i'm here for your sister i should go to her" i said.

"okay but are you gonna come by to say bye then?" she asked "i'm staying the night smart ass" i said "ohh" she said i chuckle.

i stood up and kissed her forehead again she smiled "have fun" she said "you too and don't stop playing your voice is beautiful" i said she smiled.

"alright" she said i smiled i walked to Harps "finally you have a girlfriend!" Harps said i chuckle Y/n played *(you're the) devil in disguise by Elvis Presley*.

"is she singing about someone?" i asked "her ex girlfriend" she said "ohh" i said we went downstairs "i heard you asking out Y/n" Barb said.

"yeah i did" i said she smiled softly "please treat her right" she said "i will and i promise that" i said she smiled.

~2 years later~

"honey!" i said as i entered Y/n's house "oh please stop calling her Honey when i'm around!" Harps whined i chuckle.

"she is in her musics room" she said i nod i walked there i knocked "come in" she said i walked in "baby" she said i smiled.

"were you about to start singing?" i asked she nod "can you?" i asked "first a kiss" she said i chuckle and walked to her i put my hands on her cheeks.

she leaned up i leaned down and kissed her she kissed back we slowly pulled away "thanks sit" she said pointing at the chair in the corner of her room.

i sat down i went live she start singing i will always love you by Whitney Houston i smiled my friends came in i smiled "are you live?" she asked stopping singing.

"yes" i said she groaned "hey all my friends heard you singing" i said she rolled her eyes "and besides they love your voice" i said she chuckled.

~when they are 36~

"love?" i asked as i entered our house "Kitchen!" Y/n yelled i walked to her "hey love" i said she smiled "hey wife" she said joking.

i chuckle i peeked her lips "i saw you were live i'm sorry i couldn't come in" i said "no its alright i was just singing" she said.

i gasped "and i couldn't hear you!" i whine "i recorded it too honey i'll just send it to you" she said i smiled.

"thanks love you a lot" i said she chuckled "i know you do and don't forget i'm live right now" she said.

i looked at her phone "why are you live in the kitchen?" i asked "i am making food i thought you are home in 30 minutes" she said.

"oh yeah got send home earlier from set" i said "you didn't even told me" she said hitting my shoulder "sorry my love" i said she rolled her eyes.

she continued cutting "what are you making" i asked "its a surprise please sit on the couch or go into the bedroom" she said i rolled my eyes.

"don't roll your eyes at me Vera Farmiga" she warns i gulped "don't haunt me" i said she laughed.

"when you feel a breath on your neck its me" she jokes i gasped "hey!" i said she laughed.

"i love you too" she said i chuckle and peeked her lips she smiled "Now hush hush get out" she said pushing me out i laughed.

i walked into the living room and started a movie.

~Y/n pov~

"alright sorry guys" i said i looked into the comments "both are such a cute couple" a fan wrote i smiled "thank you" i said.

i finished cooking "did ya'll record the talk i had with Vera?" i asked *yes!* many wrote i chuckled.

*i'm still recording tho* someone wrote i chuckle "thats cute" i said "honey dinner!" i said Vera rushed to me she gasped "i love it!" she said i smiled.

"and that plate is for you" i said handing her one she smiled "you are so cute" she said i smiled she peeked my lips.

we sat down i am still live "it tastes so good!" Vera said i smiled i checked the comments "you both are so cute" i said.

"thank you" i said.

~when they are 50~

"honey" i said "yes?" Vera asked "I love you" i said she smiled "i love you too" she said i smiled she pulled me to her and kissed me i kissed back.

words: 1124

Vera Farmiga x Fem reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now