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Y/n is 16 Vera is 30 

warnings: SH trying to kill themselves

~Y/n pov~

i sat in class miss Farmiga came in i stared at her she started her lesson eventually she looked at me i looked away.

my friend smirked at me i rolled my eyes.

~next day~

and it was just like yesterday me starring at her and she caught me again its like everyday.

~at lunch~

i sat outside with my friends we talked i turned my phone on and saw Vera on my background i smiled.

"Y/n put your phone away!" my friend said i put it away i looked Vera walked here i gulped "did i just see a phone?" she asked.

"no" i said she raised her eyebrow "i wasn't i promise" i said she nod and walked away i took a deep breath.

"god you need to have yourself under control when she is near you!" she said "i can't she is so freaking hot!" i said she rolled her eyes.

but she started smirking "why are you smirking?" i asked she nod behind me i looked Vera stood there i jumped "miss, hi" i said.

~3 months later~

i jumped as i saw Vera in front me i even slipped my friend caught me before i could hit the floor.

"you really need to have yourself under con-" "where did you get the hickey from?" she asked i gulped.

"uh i uh i" i stuttered "Y/n" she warns i looked at Vera she shook her head "my step sister!" i lied "you don't have one!" she said i gulped.

"i had a one night stand" i said "with who?" she asked "i don't know i was drunk so was the girl" i said.

"okay it was a girl so you can't be pregnant" she said i chuckle nervously "Y/n why are you nervous?" she asked.

"i uh i" i stuttered "Y/n tell me now!" she said "who did you had sex with?!" she asked i avoid looking at her.

"Vera" i whispered "wait what?! and you didn't told me?!" she asked "because i was scared that you would tell everyone" i said.

her eyes softens i looked at Vera "i'm sorry" i mouthed she nods and walks away into her office.

i looked at Sarah "i'm sorry for lying to you but i had to i didn't wanted her to be mad at me" i mumble.

"how about after school i will come to you and you explain to me?" she asked "Vera is coming over" i mumble she smirks.

"shut it" i said she chuckle we walked into our class.

~at home~

"i'm really sorry for telling her but she wasn't letting go" i said she took a deep breath "do i mean a lot to you?" she asked.

"yes you do!" i said "then don't tell her anymore things okay or this is over" she said i nodded "i'm really sorry" i mumbled.

"i gotta go okay?" she asked i nod "please don't break up" i mumble "i have to think about it i don't trust Sarah" she said.

i nod she left Sarah walked into my room "i swear if you should tell anyone i will hate you i can promise you that" i said.

"what why should i?" she asked "i just don't want to lose her" i said "i know that" she said.

~4 months later~

Vera left school "Vera!" i said as i run to her "Please i'm sorry!" i begged "no i'm sorry its over" she said.

Vera Farmiga x Fem reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now