chapter 6

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"Aunt mamina!" Blaze gasped at his uncle's beloved wife. "You came." He moved forward to give her a hug. And as always her hug felt like motherly.

"Ofcourse, you called me, hence I had to come. " she said when they separated.

So, as the moment, mamina was in sylime. Her and blaze were now at the entrance of the castle, along with few of ministers, some butlers of the castle and Ofcourse Deekila.

Mamina saw mamina and she smiled widely at the queen of sylime. "Oh, dear! How are you?" Mamina said, giving Deekila a hug too.

"I'm great, aunt mamina. " Deekila answered, separating them from the hug.

Blaze glanced at the people around them, as mamina and Deekila were chatting animatedly.

He wanted to make this interaction with mamina, in front of them so that they would not feel suspicious about mamina visiting sylime.

And when he saw that everyone was busy watching the two royal ladies chatting away with each other, Blaze was satisfied.

He specially didn't wanted to reach this news to his mother. She was a master to connect one and one, after all.

"Everyone! Back to your work!" Blaze shouted and soon enough, the entrance was empty.

He sighed adjusting the crown on his head. Just two days, Blaze. Hold on.


"Thank you so much, aunt mamina, for coming with a short notice. " Blaze said, making mamina smile.

They were now sitting in the library, with some tea on the table. Him , Deekila and mamina were there to discuss their plans for upcoming two days.

"Let's cut the formality Blaze. I'm concerned your uncle has some suspicion about me coming here." Mamina finally told the pair her concern.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Deekila said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I's reasonable. I haven't visited sylime in over three years, so this sudden invitation might have bothered him ." Mamina shrugged her shoulders as she explained.

"I can understand. " Blaze nodded his head, taking Mamina's words.

"So, when are you leaving?" Mamina asked, sipping her favorite rosemary tea. Meanwhile Deekila wasn't a fan of any kind of tea.

"In two days." Blaze declared. Mamina nodded her head, deep in her thoughts.

"How's asher doing? Is he fine now?" She then asked Deekila, who let out a tired sigh. He is. I mean the physician told me that he was well kept in the medical chambers. His body is recovering, and also that he has started having his meals. " Deekila said, getting emotional.

"He's a kid of a sin, aunt. I had him and now look what has happened to that poor soul, because of me." Deekila was now shedding tears. And mamina was quick to make her stable.

Meanwhile Blaze didn't do any, he was watching her carefully.

"It's not your Deekila. We are humans, we're bound to make mistakes in our lives. Sometimes it's big sometimes its small. What's important is to acknowledge that mistakes and move on from that." Mamina made Deekila understand, and she stopped crying.

"I...I'll come in a minute. " Blaze said urgently, standing up from the chair, and left the library to go the army barracks.

Ash's Barrack was left as it was before ash left it. No changes were made. Blaze didn't wanted to make it change.

When he reached there he didn't do anything he was just standing there watching everything with adoration in his eyes.

"I also made some mistakes, Ash. Would you forgive me? Am I even worth of your forgiveness? Probably not . But I'm coming. I'm coming for you ,just you Wait a little. " He whispered, his eyes flowing with tears.

After calming down he left the barrack to fulfill the last mission of his life.


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