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Somewhere in the village of bokaro, civil people were getting attacked, by some tribal people .

They were destroying the house and people itself. They were on the mission to kill the Civil people as much as they can.

But the king of sylime (sa-ee-lime) was already there with his army to save the poor people.

A king who was known for his uncountable victories at the battlefields, and his kindness and humbleness.

He saved the people and invited them to work in his kingdom, he promised them to give each a job there for a living, and that's how a kid named ash was transferred to the kingdom of sylime.

Several days later:

"His majesty, as said we have most of the people from bokaro here-"

" His majesty, sorry for interruption." A soldier of king's army , jasper, entered to the king's meeting with the ministers.

"Jasper? Why are you here?" King asked to jasper, all the ministers were watching him carefully.

"A minute, His majesty ." With that said a woman brought a kid to the council of king.

"His majesty, this is Cynthia, a woman from bokaro, and her child ash." Cynthia bowed to the king, while ash being a 5 year old kid, was watching the king with his Bambi eyes, thinking why the king has so many stones on his crown.

The king was amused by the kids behavior but he didn't expressed it.

"Rise." The king said to Cynthia who had bowed to the king still.

"Thank you, His majesty." Cynthia said to the king but she wasn't meeting the kings eyes.

"Tell, how can I help you two?" Cynthia finally looked at the king, then her child. Who was now busy, watching the huge council room. Which was decorated in white and gold.

"His majesty, I'm here to request you something." Cynthia started, the king nodded as a sign he was ready to here her request.

Cynthia quickly went down on her knees, connecting both her palms.

"His majesty, I am a widow, the tribal people have killed my husband, and I'm diagnosed with a illness which is killing me slowly, I don't know how much time I have on earth, and as per ash, " she looked at her child, who was now looking at his mother with curious eyes .

"He can't speak my lord, my son son is mute. I don't have anyone else to call family or trust them with ash, so I'm requesting you to take ash and have him here as one of your workers. He might seem small but I promise he can be a good boy." Cynthia finished her request.

The king leaned to look at the ash. He could see his own son in him.

"Hmmm? I can take him, but he's just a child , and I also have a kid just his age, I can't be so cruel to make him work this early." The king said, but ,Cynthia wasn't satisfied.

"His majesty, I have no one to-"

"But I promise you to take him and take good care of him, you must trust me with your son...and as your king I am granting your request. " the king assured Cynthia.

The little kid was observing how happy his mother became after what king said.

The king became an star in his eyes from that day. And the little kid promised himself to stay loyal to the king .


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