chapter 2

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"Father, I want to rest now." Blaze said, but his father knew, he was definitely not going to rest.

"Yes, I've prepared the room for you, will sent butlers to set your luggage inside. You can go first. " the king told his son, and blaze only nodded once at his father before he started to go to his room.

Blaze was alone, everyone was greeting thier throne prince on the way. At which ,Blaze was only nodding his head to them.

But before Blaze could reach his room, he changed his path, he went to the army  chamber to meet that person who was also eager to meet the prince.

Blaze reached the tent, as always the curtain which was used as entry way was closed, but he knew ,ash would be inside.

Blaze checked himself, he knocked twice and then he entered.

And there he was , his best friend, Ash. The opposite of him, folding his white silk bedsheets .

He was wearing the  cream colored shirt, which was given by Blaze on his birthday, and brown trousers, the shirt was tucked in the trousers, followed by a pair of leather shoes.

"Ash." Blaze said his best friends name. Which only caused him to stop what he was doing. He turned to look at Blaze.

And ash immediately got emotional. Blaze then quickly hugged ash. He was three inches taller than Blaze, also he was bulky in many aspects.

But then again when he's not in the battleground he's a big baby. Or a giant baby, as per what blaze calls him .

"How are you?" Blaze asked, when they separated, and ash did hand gesture to show that he was fine.

What Blaze was doing here was forbidden. It was a rule for every member of royals, to not enter any room of the soldiers, But again Blaze was here, as he has been here before many times.

Blaze sat on the bed, and ash panicked, he signed for Blaze to get up.

"Oh, com'on ash, just let me sit here." Blaze whined ,"I have came from a long way, I'm feeling tired, can I rest here?" He said further, looking innocently at Ash.

Ash quickly ran to look outside, to see if someone was there, cause as always, blaze has not shut the door after entering. Ash quickly shut it before anyone can see them together.

Ash took a long breath before sitting next to his best friend. He looked at Blaze, just to see ,that he was staring at him already.

"How's your trainings are going?" Blaze asked out of nowhere. Causing ash to take a pause.

"It's good." Ash signed in the air, answering Blaze.

"good. " Blaze said. And then he took something out of his pocket .

"I actually have something for you." Blaze said and bring out a bunch of pencils from his back pocket of his trousers.

And ash let out a loud gasp. "As far as I know you do own some pencils, but knowing your love for the drawings, I got you these, sorry I didn't brought them in a packet, because you know I didn't wanted to anyone to be suspicious-"

But before Blaze could say any further, a servant named, Joshua, came in the room .

Ash and Blaze stood up from thier bed, thier face were mirroring confusion.

"Joshua, is everything alright?" Blaze asked reaching for his servant who was like a friend to the boys .

"Prince, the queen is searching for you, she went to your room and you were missing, she's very angry. " after the information, the boys panicked, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, hey, hey, relax, ash. Relax, okay." Blaze said calming ash, who was really concerned.

Ash knew that the queen is going to blame him.

"I've got an idea. "


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