chapter : epilog

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"ASH!" Blaze screamed in agony. Ash was now laying on the ground lifeless. He was dead.

"ASH!" Blaze screamed again, kneeling down at the body, he slowly hold the body on his lap.

"You can' can't. " Blaze whispered, crying his heart out, he was in so much pain.

But when he realized that Ash was really gone, he left the dead body beside him and pull out the dagger he had brought from sylime with him, the day he came to find Ash.

He took the dagger between his both hands and digged it in his stomach, dying next to his lover.

"Let's meet again. " Blaze whispered sweetly, when he took his last breath beside the man he loved the most. But before he actually closed his eyes, he saw a glimpse of his mother smiling at his dying form.

And that's how the two best friend's forbidden love story came to an end.

Hey, you everyone this book is officially complete. You guys might take this as a sad ending or maybe an open ending.

We'll meet in next book, stay tuned for updates.

DANGEROUS DISCOVERY 🗡 (MxM) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now