chapter 10

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When Ash and Blaze reached Ash's small but cozy hut in the middle of the forest, Ash made Blaze sit on a cot, which he had made with Luke.

"You wait here, I'll bring some water for you." Ash signed and left to bring water, and meanwhile Blaze was watching his every move.

"Here, have this. " Ash passed a glass of water to Blaze to drink. And when he was on it Ash went and started to make a temporary ointment for Blaze's scratches.

He put some wild turmeric in a stone mortar, and started to smash it together. And when it became mushy he took a vessel to put the paste in there, and then he brought it to Blaze.

But when he realized that the wound was on Blaze's thighs, his face became red.

"You need to change your clothes before you put it on your wound. I'll bring you a cloth to wrap around it." Ash signed and then he went to tear a cloth of a shirt that he has.

"Here take it. Wrap it after you're done putting the paste over your wound, I'll be out. " after signing those words, Ash put that piece of cloth in Blaze's hand and he was off to his feet to leave Blaze alone.

Blaze was alone now, which gave him some time to look around this hut . It has no furniture, just some handmade mats to sit on and a cot to sleep in.

At one corner there were clothes piled up, and on another corner there was something like a mini kitchen. And that was it. Nothing more than that.

That's how they have been living for past five years?..the thought ran out in his mind.

He just exaled a big breath, as he stood up from the cot and started to change his clothes.

But he didn't knew what to wear, so he searched in that pile of clothes. And he got a shirt for him.

After wearing that, he again sat on the cot, and struggled with the turmeric paste. But he put it successfully, and then he wrapped the cloth securely.

And then as Blaze didn't knew what to wear for his bottoms, he still wore the same trousers he came with.

Blaze felt tired and hungry after that. He then remembered that Ash was out . So, he managed to go out in dark.

But thankfully he didn't have to go too further as Ash was just sitting just outside, he has lit a fire with some wooden pieces, and he was maybe roasting something .

When Ash realized that he was being watched, he turned to look at Blaze, who was watching him curiously.

Ash wanted to chuckle at his dumbfounded expression but he controlled it. He patted the place beside him, signaling Blaze to take a sit there .

Blaze obeyed it, and then he sat down there silently. The whole forest was silent in the night, just the sound of night cricket and the sound of the roasting substance was being heard.

The pair was only staring at the fire, feeling the warmth of it.

But then Ash rotated his head to take a look at Blaze. The light of the fire was making his face to look more appealing ,Ash was  trying to admire his features which has Slightly changed over the past five years.

The curly hair has become long, touching his shoulder, it was parted from the middle. On his right eyebrow there was a slit, probably from a war. But then suddenly his eyes moved to his ring finger, which was empty.

Ash unconsciously took the left hand to examine the ring finger, and blaze wasn't stopping him.

His ring finger looked like there was never a ring there, or if the ring was missing from it, then it must have well fitted.

Ash dropped Blaze's hand to look at his eyes, "where's your wedding ring?" Ash signed innocently. His heart for some reason was beating fast.

Blaze gave him a sad look, his eyes almost pooling with tears immediately, "I've never been married, Ash. " He whispered with a sad smile.



DANGEROUS DISCOVERY 🗡 (MxM) Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora