chapter 12

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After his conversation with Xander, Ash was restless, somehow. The poor boy wanted to protest but how, no one besides Blaze and Ms moye can understand him.

He sighed, and went  wherever his feet took him. And he ended up at the nursing zone of the castle.

When he entered, there wasn't much of people, just one bed out of hundreds of bed was occupied, by Blaze.

Ash hesitated, weather he should go and check on Blaze or not.

"Oh, soldier Ash? Are you injured somewhere?" Before Ash could run away, the nurse who was treating Blaze, caught him.

Ash was too stunned to speak, Blaze saw him too, he smirked as Ash blushed.

Ash shook his head repeatedly looking like a deer caught in the middle of something.

The nurse was relaxed to know that ash wasn't injured as always.

"Oh, prince Blaze, I would suggest if you don't wet the injured area for a few days, the ointment which I have applied can be possibly washed out and won't be effective. " the nurse said standing at the leg of the feet, her eyes down, to show respect to her prince .

Ash looked at Blaze  carefully, one side of his shirt was removed to show his wound to the nurse, it was now covered with some type of thick ointment.

Blaze only nodded not thinking twice he pulled the shirt up and wore it again, he stood up and started to walk away.

Ash watched as Blaze was walking down the hall. He wanted to go after him but he didn't, instead he went back to the barracks.


"Xander?" Blaze called the old soldier, he was now away from Ash and other soldiers, was perfect to talk to Xander, Blaze thought.

"Oh, prince Blaze. " Xander greeted Blaze once he neared him.

"Xander, can I ask you something ?" Blaze was so curious to know about Xander's conversation with Ash.

"You don't have to ask, you're a prince, please go ahead." Xander said smiling politely.

"What did you and Ash talked back in his barrack, I just-"

"Oh,'s just that, his majesty wants to send Ash on the battle field, next month. " Blaze tried to process the information.

"Yeah? And with whom we're battling with?" Another question was asked by Blaze to Xander.

"The neighbor states, they've made thier mind to break the peace trity, and fight with us in the battle field." Xander was answering whatever Blaze was asking.

Blaze nodded, understanding everything.

"Alright, it's gonna happen next month ,right ?" Blaze confirmed again.

"Yes, prince. " Xander said.

"Hmm, I'm going to my chambers then, thank you Xander. " with that Blaze went towards his room, thinking what he should do next.


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