'I don't know.' Leah replies quietly.

'That girl loves you. Anyone can see she loves you and all she's wanted to do is help you through this. I get that she doesn't know exactly what you're going through, it's the thing we all dread as footballers but that doesn't mean you should push her away and be nasty to her.' Lia says.

'I just- I'm so angry.' Leah admits.

'And that's perfectly understandable but Courtney isn't the one you're angry at. You're angry at the world, angry at the injury. You're not angry at her and if you mess this up because you've pushed her away you'll regret it.' Lia says.

'Can you take me to my place, please?' Leah asks quietly.

'If that's what you want but you do need to fix this with Courtney.' Lia replies and Leah nods her head. Slowly pushing herself up off the sofa, Leah makes her way over to grab her coat from where it's thrown over one of the dining chairs.

'I just need some space. I think we both need some space... I'll speak to her at the game tonight.' Leah says.

'She's not coming to the game tonight.' Lia replies.

'What? How do you know?' Leah asks.

'When she left today? She sat outside the front door until I arrived because she didn't want to leave in case you fell or in case you needed somone... I spoke to her. She said she doesn't think coming tonight is a good idea and asked me to look after you... She cares, Le. She cares so much.' Lia replies.


From Leah:
Can I come over? Please x

Staring down at the phone in her hand, Courtney sighs and rests her head back against the sofa behind her. Despite making the decision not to attend the Champions League semi-final tonight, she still watched every minute on the tv while rooting for the girls. Her heart sank when she watched Laura go down and having to be stretchered off. Her heart ached when she watched them all come so close yet feel so far away from that final and when she seen them all in tears after the final whistle she wanted to hug each and every one of them. Glancing back down at her phone, she takes a deep breath before beginning to reply to the blonde.

To Leah:
I don't know if that's the best idea, Le. I know you'll be upset after tonight's game but I just don't know.

From Leah:
Please. I want to make things right between us, Court. I'm sorry. I've been such a cow to you and you haven't deserved any of it. I am so grateful for everything you've done to help me this past week and I just need you to know how sorry I really am x

Her head is telling her that they need some space and she knows that telling Leah to go back to her own apartment for the night would be the sensible thing to do. Her heart, however, is telling her that despite being apart for less than twelve hours she doesn't think she's ever missed someone as much as she misses Leah. The apartment feels quieter without her around, emptier without her lying on the sofa moaning about whatever Courtney has chosen to watch on tv. Glancing at the baby monitor, Courtney smiles slightly as she sees Bunny sleeping peacefully in her cot before turning her attention back to her phone.

To Leah:
I'll leave the door open for you.


She takes a deep breath as she hears the front door open and close before footsteps make their way towards the living room. It's less than a minute later when the living room door opens and the blonde makes her way inside.

'Court...' She says quietly. Almost instantly Courtney feels tears filling her eyes as she bites her bottom lip and continues to stare at the tv in front of her. Making her way over to the sofa, Leah slowly takes a seat beside the brunette and sighs.

'I'm so sorry, Court. I took my anger out on you and that wasn't fair... I understand if you want to walk away from this now. I understand if you can't forgive me but I want to know that I love you and that losing you will forever be the biggest mistake of my life.' Leah says as she reaches up to wipe the tears from her cheeks.

'You haven't lost me.' Courtney replies softly as she turns to look at the blonde.

'W-What?' Leah asks.

'I said you haven't lost me, Le. I-This is going to take some time because honestly I am angry at the way you treated me. You were unbelievably cruel at times but I also understand that you're struggling after the injury. I just- I need you to talk to me, Le. If this is going to work and we're going to get back to how we were, you can't block me out or push me away. We're in this together.' Courtney replies and Leah nods her head.

'I'm sorry.' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'I know... Come here.' Courtney replies putting her arms out. Immediately Leah moves closer to her and Courtney wraps her arms around the blonde.

'Today's been shit.' Leah mumbles.

'Mm-hmm... How is Laura? I watched the game.' Courtney asks.

'Not good. They think she's done her acl as well.' Leah replies.

'Oh shit.' Courtney mumbles and Leah nods her head.

'It's all shit.' Leah says.

'It'll get better. Just one day at a time.' Courtney replies.

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