'Yeah, that might be a good idea actually... I just- I want to play, I really do.' Leah says and Mary smiles slightly.

'But you need to put your health first. You wouldn't play if you felt a physical niggle, don't be ignoring mental niggles.' Mary replies. Smiling slightly, Leah nods her head and rests her hands on her knees.

'I'll go speak to Sarina.' Leah says and Mary nods her head.

'Sounds like a good idea, skipper.' Mary replies. Pushing herself into a standing position, Leah sighs and goes off to find their head coach.

'Can I have a word, in private?' Leah asks as she finds Sarina talking to Alex and Lotte.

'Mm-hmm... Of course. Everything okay?' Sarina asks as she leads Leah to a more private area where they can talk.

'I don't know.' Leah admits sighing.

'Something doesn't feel right. I mean not physically; physically I feel absolutely fine but I just feel a bit on edge.' Leah says.

'Okay. What can I do to help you? Do you need me to bench you or would you rather play?' Sarina asks and Leah shrugs her shoulders.

'I don't know. I had thought and Mary thought that maybe I could go out for the warm up and see how I feel? If it's really bad then or during the game, I'll let you know? I know it's not a great situation but I just- I don't know. It might be something I can shake when I'm on the pitch.' Leah replies and Sarina nods her head.

'We absolutely can do that. We'll follow your lead, Leah. We want you on the pitch but only if you're feeling your best.' Sarina says.

'Thank you, Sarina.' Leah replies.


'Courtney, this is David; Leah's dad... David, this is Courtney and Bunny.' Amanda says as she introduces Courtney to her ex-husband.

'It's so nice to finally meet you.' Courtney says softly as she shakes David's hand.

'You too... I've heard so much about you.' David replies smiling as the brunette who adjusts Bunny on her hip.

'Have you spoke to Leah today?' Amanda asks causing Courtney to nod her head.

'Mm-hmm... She phoned this morning. She sounded a bit stressed but she said she was alright.' Courtney replies and Amanda nods her head.

'Yeah, she sounded a bit stressed when I spoke to her as well. Said she wasn't sure if she was going to play tonight but she's in the starting eleven so something must have changed.' Amanda says smiling as Bunny immediately begins to lean towards her.

'Can I?' Amanda asks and Courtney nods her head.

'Of course.' Courtney replies smiling. She passes the toddler over to Amanda.

'Hiya.' Bunny says grinning at the redhead.

'Hi, sweetheart.' Amanda replies smiling.

'Where Le?' Bunny asks holding her little hands up in the air.

'She's been asking me that ever since Le went to camp. I swear she misses her more than she'd miss me these days.' Courtney says causing Amanda to laugh.

'I'm sure that's not true, sweetheart.' Amanda replies.

'Leah's going to be out on the pitch running around like a crazy woman... Well hope so, don't we?' Amanda says gently bouncing the little girl and pointing out to the pitch.

'Yeah.' Courtney replies smiling.


'Hey, bubs... Congratulations.' Courtney says smiling as she leans over the railing to wrap her arms around the blonde.

'Thanks, love.' Leah replies softly as she rests her head on the blonde's shoulder and sighs. She can see Bunny fast asleep cradled against her mum's chest as she glances over Courtney's shoulder.

'How are you feeling? Better?' Courtney asks and Leah nods her head.

'Much better. I don't know what was going on this morning but I just couldn't seem to shake it. I even spoke about Sarina about the possibility that she might need to bench me.' Leah admits.

'Well you managed and you've got another trophy under your belt now.' Courtney says.

'Mm-hmm...' Leah replies. Burying her face in the crook of Courtney's neck, she let's out a small sigh causing the brunette to tighten her arms around her.

'God, I wish I was coming home with you tonight.' Leah mumbles.

'Go celebrate with your girls. I love you and I'm only ever a phonecall away. Bunny and I will be waiting on you.' Courtney says softly.

'Wally's withdrawing from the national team... She's heading home tomorrow. Can you-' Leah begins and Courtney nods her head.

'I'll check in on her.' Courtney replies.

'Thanks.' Leah says quietly.

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