25. Be with us

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Liz-I can honestly say it all worked out in the end. I'm so grateful me Maddy and Karin were able to at least get semi decent closure it's not foreclosure as well. He became a preacher now, but it's closure enough that everybody knows that he is delusional enough. Everybody says that well he needs mental help but then again we live in the world where not everybody can receive mental health, although.

I don't wish him any ill will just think that he could benefit from help and you know maybe had he not been so powerful maybe the girls and I could've got serious justice but I think I was telling my story to raise people a awareness about him and to be more careful and maybe he'll lose even more which I doubt it because he likes you minors and that's the sad part is he plays on these children to get them to get their dreams come true but what can you do?

I can really do is keep on doing what I'm doing and hopes to save other children and I don't think that just because you're in love you should have to pay the price for it. I mean the girls and I were poisoned more times
and I even comprehend, but it's hard. I'm going to just keep on doing what I'm doing because I believe every child deserves to be safe especially my kids. I didn't even know they were inside of me. I just think of everything that we went through. I didn't even know they were inside of me. Mom guilt has since went away, but I'm still like blaming myself. I should've done this. I should've done that I should've been XYZ but how can you know if you can do ABC EFG
Without knowing? I often wonder that, but it was beyond my control and I'm just really happy that the kids are here and they're growing like the weeds and they're safe and the other girls are in a really safe Happy position to keep the kids happy and safe and I'm just so happy.
hello my beautiful girl every time I see
Liz the lump in my throat grows bigger when I was in the process of meeting her.

I was hoping to find someone in my life that could fill the core that revolves around my members when I met Liz I was sorry I had in love with her and would take a bullet for her you know or take a smoothie for her if a random homeless person began to go borderline for ledger and for his beverages I think of everything
that i did was for the boys but now my life gets to be revolved around with my children, and I am just so blessed and so grateful that I finally have someone to call my call my own I'm so grateful that I get to wake up everyday with my best friend 
I remember the day I first saw her i knew that the greatest journey in life is with the people you love and everything i can't ask for anything more .


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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