10. Grass

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Maddie -
Twilight and evening bell
May there be no sadness of farewell
The pain of death is short and sweet
Yet why many are scared of it

Life is short, so make it worthwhile
Don't spend time grieving just spend it with a smile
But if I stop smiling and breathing
Now I can say I'm truly living

Do not stand at my grave and weep
Just imagine I'm just asleep
Speak of me as you have always done.
Remember the good times even though I'm gone

Sometimes our final days may be a test,
But remember me when I was at my best.
Although things may not be the same,
Don't be afraid to use my name. If I die young, lay me down by the roots of an old oak tree. If I die young, take care of her. Teach her everything is okay and that I was once ashes and I will be ashes once more. Teach her that I will be okay and I will watch over her as she grows up strong and wise like I taught her. I wanted to throw out my journal.

I wanted to throw it out quickly but something told me that I couldn't do that because I have a daughter now everybody tells me that I everybody told me that I couldn't do anything with my life and that I would be better off dead because what good could I bring to the world? All I do is waste peoples time and space that's not true I'm so much to give and so much to offer and so much to share and so much too please, and so much to validate, and so much to heal and so much to do for people I don't know what to do or what to say anymore. I have a daughter that I have to but I have to keep that I have to keep that I have to keep going for and I have a husband that loves me dearly and I have a husband that wants me to go do things for him. I'm telling myself every day that it's gonna be OK and I don't have to worry about whatever people say about me because I have somebody that loves me just for who .
I am and I think of everything that I amhave gone through and I think of everything I'm still going through and how I need to just take that trauma and help other people don't know too much about people and what they are expecting of me .

I mean you can't always feel peoples can always meet peoples expectations and that's OK that's OK it's really scary to think of how people want something off of you but you don't know if you can offer it have gone through and I think of everything I'm still going through and how I need to just take that trauma and help other people don't know too much about people and what they are expecting of me but I mean you can't always feel peoples can always meet peoples expectations and that's OK that's OK it's really scary to think of how people want something off of you, but you don't know if you can offer it to you to them and you don't have to like I tell Melody don't let anyone take away your sparkle or happiness.

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