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Felix -

Maddie , do you realize how beautiful you are do you you realize how special you are do you you realize that everything that you have done and life is helping other kids not feel lonely and not feel like they're part of the problem you should be so proud of yourself you are an amazing mother to Melody. You are an amazing activist for children. Can you help other kids who don't really have a top priority in life? You're making a happy place with children with all disabilities and different issues. You're making the world a better place but why can't you not see that? Why can't you see how special you are Maddie I want you to know how beautiful and how lovely you are like that song why I ain't pretty why I ain't lovely why am I me love me love me love me she's so pretty yes so lovely she's got everything why I am not her so many women feel that way Maddie so many women usually cry themselves to sleep at night because they think they're not good enough. Do you realize how beautiful you are it's not just about what happened to Maddie . That's only something that happened to you but you

everybody was
wrong because you did you didn't go home to your room and cry and try to get vengeance on people you went to that university and you knew times were up and you were determined to do a 180 and I am so proud of you another thing Maddie if they're going to sit and bitch and complain about you it's because they're unhappy with their life. You do not have to worry about the other things in life.

You need to worry about the people that love and care about you other people that don't and I know you do amazing job and making sure other people know that and I know you've heard to support but you're so beautiful and you were so deserving of love. There's so many people out there Maddie that are ugly inside and out and only reason they're acting like this is because they've never been loved. They don't even know what love is. That's why they put other people down


I was just telling Melody this the other day. I told her that she is so so loved that she there is so much love for her that the world doesn't know what to do with it and I tell her every day that you could be whatever you wanna be and you make mommy and daddy proud just letting him know that you can do whatever you wanna do we love you so much and can't help but just feel blessed all the rejects I got lead me to you that's why I'm so thankful kinda like this quote .
"Leave your hair natural. Let your beard grow out. Leave the makeup in the bag. Wear comfortable clothes. Stop worrying so much about your looks and start looking around you. You have missed so much beauty trying to become beautiful. You have missed your own worth trying to become worthy. Let the mask break open. Let it lie on the floor. Let yourself be seen. Let yourself see."
― Vironika Tugaleva

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