2. Lips

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There's a little house on a perfect little hill
Just short of a fairy tale
There's a little child with a million ways to feel
Caught up in a hurricane
Paper thin walls
Angry words from down the hall
Something changed them
I think about him every now and again
Now there's a ghost in the back of this room
And I don't like it
I fall asleep with my covers pulled up
And try to fight it
I gotta say it's hard to be brave
When you're alone in the dark
I told myself that I wouldn't be scared
But I'm still having nightmares
I'm still having nightmares
(I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake)
(I'm still having nightmares)
Every little thing got me coming back around
Digging up old memories
Always used to be the one to let it go
Got my fears in a suitcase
I locked them away
In a place they wouldn't find
They still haunt me
I think about it every now and again
When people say that childhood trauma sneaks up on you, they're not lying it's so scary to think of how much something can sneak up on you and not expect it like today I was washing dishes and I got a flashback of a tip hurting me how they tried to knock me upside the head because I didn't close the door quick enough.

I used to cry about those things but now that I'm older, I know none of it was my fault because Well I later learned that all of my relatives were alcoholics and abusing drugs. That's still no excuse but I now know people with those mentalities it doesn't take much to set them off, so I realized it wasn't my fault because they're already incredibly irritable and well when you're disabled, I suppose people already think the worst of you and you're so busy trying to accept yourself and trying to find people accept you that you got realize you don't need acceptance you're gonna find somebody along the way who likes she just the way you are and that you don't have to change anybody or anything I tell myself how lucky.

I am that I have Felix tell me what happened to me is not my fault that's like Liz and Christopher. I just adore them. I just love how he keeps her so safe and how Felix keeps me so safe and how he keeps Melody so safe and how Chris keeps sunchin Ivy and Dahl so safe and how Karin and Han keep Nari safe that's how it's supposed to be but when we're not fighting against mentally ill, people or childhood trauma, but always fighting against Chris is estranged boss it's a none other than JYP PARK it it's interesting this man cannot sing, but yet he has some of the most highly influential entertainers under under his belt I was disgusted I thought, how could that man tell us  we couldn't do anything in fact, we can do whatever we wanna do I guess it's just hard when it's someone you have to be associated with everyday is different but as long as you keep on fighting it's all going to be okay .

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