8. 32&1

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Kairn -
Be grateful for the growing trees, the roses soon to bloom, The tenderness of kindly hearts that shared your days of gloom, Be grateful for the morning dew, the grass beneath your feet, The soft caresses of your babes and all their laughter sweet. Just like you should always be grateful and thankful for the healthy kids in your life, and though you were not, you should always be grateful and thankful for the kids in your life that are healthy, happy and strong.

I told myself that all the time having chronic illnesses of myself, I didn't think I could have kids I didn't think I get married because people always are so cool, but me and Peter finally found our happy place with Han and Nori and I am so incredibly grateful that we finally get to do the opportunity together I asked myself every day how I made it this far. How did they get here? I'm grateful that I'm here but I often wondered. What did I do to be bust this way no one could really tell me a difference I thought I think I've everything that I did, and everything that went wrong everything that was going. South or going north going east or west I figured it was God's way of telling me that I could do anything that I wanted to do.

I just had to believe in myself so I can go do those things and that's the that's the hard part you have to believe in yourself go do those things, and yeah that's what you do Jesus never lies in Jesus is all so so I know that he busted me away so I could have these opportunities although I didn't understand his blessings at first like getting sick people trying I guess so it was his way of showing me that just because you're sick doesn't mean that your life is over although sometimes it feels like it's over.

I lost so  many things so much in this process I tell myself every day.

That everything is going to be OK just because we are going through something right now and don't understand God's plan doesn't mean that he left us. It doesn't mean that there's a lot of down it doesn't mean that he's gonna let us go south he's here to protect us and we just gotta we just gotta believe in him and I think after I received Peter, I believe that everything that I went through was to meet.

The girls get married start a family and raise awareness and that's exactly what I'm doing now I love my life now and I couldn't be more grateful thankful and blessed I love my life now because every morning I get to wake up to my handsome boys and I am reminded what I've gone through a times but how much people love me and how much people respect me. I didn't know where I wanted in my life until I met the girls. We all came from broken families. We all came from tragedy were going through some. Now that we found each other we were dark and scary at times but at least we're not alone .

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