4. Les

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Chris -

I picked up my journal, and I remembered the quote from a book

I read years ago
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. that's how I feel because I have Liz in my life. Liz is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Liz just get me I remember the first time I saw her I remember being really heartbroken over Felix getting eliminated in the beginning as we all know everything worked out, but as we go on year and year out, I felt lonely. I remember watching a movie with the boys. It was a horror movie, and there was a woman and they were waiting for her night and shining armor and I sympathize with the woman on the screen who was lost actress, and I knew she probably didn't need saving, but I just wanted to jump through my TV screen and save her .

I always felt like I was bound to save somebody and have somebody that loved me for me but maybe that somebody is Liz maybe I am meant to live happily through Liz and that's exactly what I need to do and that's exactly what I'm gonna do I don't feel bad per se, but I just feel like everything that I've gone through in life has really really got to me like I don't want to be alone I don't wanna be alone. Nobody deserves to be alone, and when I met Liz , it was almost like everything that I had worried about in life. I just disappeared because she was my soulmate.

I remember we looked at each other, which is so much love, and I just I was gonna cry if she was taken and but thank God and the universe and starts aligned that she was not taken and we have beautiful surprise children and I think God every day for these kids i'm just so and all of her you know she's pediatric neurosurgeon in Korea she has her own clinic. Everybody loves her. Everybody has a waiting line to get into Liz because of everything that she's gone for everything that I've gone through. I'm just I'm just so in all of her, and I don't wanna cry I mean I always cry when I talk about my beautiful wife but there's just something about waking up to her every morning and you know, kissing her sake and stroking her beautiful brown hair I just cry every time .

I touch her she's so perfect and our two little girls they're so perfect and our boy he's just beyond beyond perfect he's the sweetest boy but I think he is more of a boy than he has a daddy's boy, but that's OK. All of my kids are obsessed with her mommy because she's so amazing and I just think God every day that I get to have this family I don't know why my boss is so hateful for me. We're having a family but I think everybody deserves a family if they're heart in the right place but not all kids deserve parents and not all parents deserve to have children.

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