5. Inside

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Felix -

so beautiful,
inside and out.
She's the best friend
you could everhave.

Kairn is so courageous.
has a true heart.
She understands.
a true friend.
She will never letyou down.
She glows from the inside. I think God every day for these girls I am just in all of them and everything that they have achieved and accomplished. I don't know what I do without these girls. These girls are absolutely everything to me and absolutely everything and more to me. I remember the first time I met Maddie I remember the first time she walked in and I was just an awe. I almost cried because I had never seen a human apart from Liz and Karen fight so hard to live their life and fight all these odds and Maddie you know she's half blind and she's half death and I'm just so so proud of her for everything that she's done in her life because when .

I look at Maddie and I look at everything that she's gone through I don't think About her very much like I I am just an all of her .

I think every day about her I'm really really happy about everything that she's gone through. I mean not that she deserved to go through what happened her she did it but I mean what she's gone through to get here in life so many people even to teacher used to gang up on her and humiliate her and tell her she was worthless and worth nothing and now she is married to me and it was just the fact that she's married to me like Maddie has her own network like other people are like oh are you? Maddie has been not as Maddie your wife like no people think that I'm not good enough for her and that I think is so so Because people always asked me there is no way that you are Mancini's husband and I tell them every day like I am Mancini's husband. There is no if about it like I am her husband she is my wife and we have a daughter together .

I just love Melody Melody makes me so happy and so in love like every day I get to be with her and I am just in all and I just cannot believe that I get to be her father and I get to be Maddie's husband That to me is the greatest gift ever and nobody will ever take that joy away from me because I think of what Maddie has done as a person, how she has made waves and paved and paved waves for everybody and this industry she has done nothing but keep on going, .

I am just so so proud of her like she keeps on going even when time is her tough that doesn't scare her away and make her want 90 miles and other direction no she's running 90 miles and four direction trying to make change and trying to save other people and keeping them safe and I don't think anybody can tell me that they have a better life because These girls advocate to keep people safe and that is why they're so special and that is why they're so beautiful and that is why they are so loved and how me Chris and Han are just the luckiest guys in the world.

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