Chapter eighty three

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After a week of the eventful date at the amusement park, life settle back into its usual routine. As I arrive at the hospital for another day of work, I make my way to the changing room where I usually meet Mikoto. The familiar routine of donning my scrubs and preparing for the day ahead feel comforting after the recent encounter with Hanma the other day.

"Good morning, Mikoto" I greet her with a smile as I enter the changing room, finding her already there and in the midst of changing her clothes.

"Hey, Yuna! Good morning" Mikoto replies cheerfully, her energy infectious as always.
We exchange pleasantries and quickly changed into our work attire, chatting about the day ahead and the patients we might encounter. Mikoto always has a way of lightening the mood with her humor and optimism.

As we step out of the changing room and head towards the ward, Mikoto bring up the topic of lunch, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Yuna, what do you think about having lunch at that ramen shop near the hospital today?"

I smile at the suggestion, knowing Mikoto's preference for eating outside the hospital. "You want to have lunch outside? Sounds good to me. Just don't let Mrs. Kaguya catch us skipping the hospital food," I reply with a giggle, referring to our strict head nurse.

"Don't worry, she won't " Mikoto assures me, her grin mischievous.

"Alright then, let's go for it" I say, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of enjoying a delicious bowl of ramen outside the hospital premises. "It's not that far, right?"

Mikoto nods enthusiastically. "Trust me, their ramen is amazing. You'll love it!"
Just as we were about to head to the ward, Mr. Kaguya calls out to us, signaling the start of another busy day attending to patients.

She approaches with a specific task. "Yuna, could you please go to room 397? Doctor Fugaku needs your assistance with a patient's case" she informs me, her tone professional yet urgent.

"Yes, Mrs. Kaguya, I'll head there right away," I reply respectfully, noting the seriousness in her expression.

I make my way to room 397, where Doctor Fugaku is already reviewing the patient's charts. "Good morning, Doctor Fugaku," I greet him as I enter the room.

"Good morning, Yuna. Thank you for coming. We have an interesting case here that could benefit from your expertise," Doctor Fugaku replies, gesturing for me to join him.

The patient, a middle-aged man named Mr. Adachi, looks visibly uncomfortable as he sits on the hospital bed. Doctor Fugaku begins explaining the details of the case to me, highlighting the symptoms and diagnostic tests that had been conducted so far.

"Mr. Adachi has been experiencing severe abdominal pain and digestive issues for the past week. We've run several tests, including blood work, imaging scans, and endoscopy, but the results have been inconclusive," Doctor Fugaku explains, his tone reflective of the complexity of the case.

I nod, studying the charts and test results carefully. "Have we considered a differential diagnosis for gastrointestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease or gastritis?" I suggest, recalling similar cases I had encountered during my training.

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