Chapter sixty one

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The moment we arrive at Mikey's home, everything seems to blur together—Mikey guiding me inside, Draken silently trailing behind us, and the sudden rush of warmth that embraced me as soon as we step in. I clung to Mikey, feeling both grateful and overwhelmed by the concern radiating from everyone around.

Mikey holds me in his arms as he makes his way to the living room, Draken following closely. Emma and Emiko rush toward us the moment they saw us, their faces etch with worry and relief.

"Yuna! Oh my goodness, are you alright?" Emma rushes toward us, her voice laces with worry as she takes in my appearance.

Emiko echoes her concern, "We were so scared! Are you feeling okay?"

Their genuine concern touch me deeply, and I manage a weak smile, "I'm fine, really. Just a bit shaken".

Mikey's protective instinct kicks in, "She needs to rest and eat something warm. Stop bombarding her with questions".

Emma nods, her eyes softening, "Of course, dear. You need something to warm you up. I'll prepare a bath for you and get you some comfy clothes".

Emiko chimes in, "And I'll get started on making some food for you".

Mikey caught my gaze and speaks softly, "I'll be with Draken in my room, alright? You'll be safe, Yuna".

I nod, offering a small smile in return. The care and concern surrounding me are both overwhelming and comforting. As Emma guides me upstairs, I can't help but feel grateful for their kindness and support.

The warmth of the bath is like a soothing embrace, melting away the residual chill from the night. Emma has prepared everything meticulously, ensuring my comfort.

As the warm water envelop me, memories of the kidnapping flood back, each drop echoing the fear that have gripped me. The scent of soap mingled with the remnants of that terror, haunting the serenity of the moment. Despite the calm, the memory cast a chilling shadow over the comforting embrace of the bath.

Once I step out, Emma hands me a set of cozy clothes. "Here you go, Yuna. These should keep you nice and warm".

"Thank you, Em" I reply gratefully, quickly changing into the comfortable clothes. Feeling a sense of relief wash over me, I make my way to the kitchen where Emiko and Emma are.

Emiko looks up as I enter, her expression softening. "Feeling better?"

I nod, offering a small smile. "Much better, thank you".

Emma returns, a warm bowl of soup in her hands. "You need something hot in your stomach, dear. Eat up" she insists, handing me the bowl.

I gratefully accept it, savoring the warmth and comfort it offered. The taste is familiar and soothing, calming my nerves further.
As I eat the soup, Emma gently places a blanket over my shoulders. "Rest here for a while, Yuna. Get your strength back".

As I savor the soup, Emiko speaks softly, "Take your time, Yuna. There's no rush". Then she adds "You've been through a lot. Just relax and eat".

The warmth of the soup thaws the last remnants of cold from my bones, wrapping me in a comforting embrace. Just as I'm savoring the last spoonful, Mikey walks into the kitchen, concern etches on his face.

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