Chapter thirty five

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The sky is transitioning into shades of soft oranges and pinks as Emiko and I arrive at Senju's house for our much-anticipated sleepover. It was exactly 7 PM, and the excitement in the air is palpable.

Standing on Senju's doorstep, I can't help but wonder if we have the right house. "Emiko, are you sure this is the right place? I don't want us to accidentally knock on someone else's door," I whisper, my apprehension showing.

She turns to me with an encouraging smile. "Yuna, trust me, this is the address Senju gave us. We're in the right place," she says, her voice soothing my worries.

Despite her calm assurance, I can feel a swirl of excitement and nervousness in my stomach, a blend of emotions that makes me even more eager to see Senju and start our sleepover.

As we wait on the doorstep, I absentmindedly adjust the strap of my sleepover bag, my anticipation building with every passing moment. The evening seemed to hold a promise of adventure and fun, and I can't wait to step inside and experience it all.

Just when I'm about to ask Emiko again if we are at the right house, the door creaks open, revealing Senju's smiling face. "Yuna! Emiko! You're here!" Senju exclaims, her excitement contagious.

A wave of relief and happiness wash over me as I see Senju. "Hey, Senju! We were a bit unsure, but I'm really glad we got it right," I say, my voice reflecting the genuine joy I feel.

Senju chuckles warmly and steps aside to welcome us in. "Come on in, you two! The fun is just about to begin." Stepping over the threshold.

As Emiko and I step into Senju's welcoming home, we are meeting with a heartwarming surprise. There, in the cozy living room adorns with twinkling fairy lights, are our other friends Emma, Hinata and Yuzuha. Their smiles mirror the excitement bubbling up within me.

"Yuna! Emiko! You made it!" Emma greets us, her cheerful voice filling the air. Hinata and Yuzuha chim in with their own joyful hellos.

"Hey, guys! This is awesome!" I exclaim, my happiness evident in my voice as I exchange excited glances with Emiko. Seeing all of us gathered together is like a dream come true...... i never had a sleepover with other girls except Emiko before.

As we settle in, the room seems to buzz with energy as we all pitch in to prepare for the sleepover. Emma and I set up a cozy corner with blankets and pillows, while Hinata and Yuzuha arrange a spread of snacks and treats that make my mouth water.

Emiko turns to Senju with a curious smile. "Are your brothers around? Will they join us?" She asks, wondering if we are in for a surprise.

Senju shakes her head with a chuckle. "Nope, they're out for the night. It's just us girls," she replies, a mischievous glint in her eye.

With everything set up, the real fun began. We dove into conversations about life, shared silly anecdotes, and laugh until our sides hurt. It feels as if time have taken a break, allowing us to fully enjoy each other's company.

As the night progresses, we decide to play games that had us doubling over with laughter. Emma's impression of a famous celebrity have us all in stitches, and Emiko's infectious giggle was like music to my ears. Hinata's stories were so funny about her boyfriend that even Yuzuha, who rarely burst into laughter, couldn't help but join in.

As we settle down for a movie, wrap in blankets and indulging in more snacks, I feel a warm sense of camaraderie. Sharing this moment with my closest friends was an experience I'd treasure forever....... but i feel like this won't last long.

After the movie, our group decide to kick things up a notch by playing a game of "I Have Never." Laughter and excitement fill the air as we gather in a circle on the living room floor, ready to share our stories and discover new facets of each other.

Emiko, always the one to initiate the fun, start off the game with a mischievous grin. "I've never traveled to a foreign country," she declares, her eyes darting around the circle.

A chorus of laughter follow her statement as those who hadn't traveled raise their hands, and those who had exchange knowing looks. I join in, chuckling along with the group.

Then it's Yuzuha's turn. With a twinkle in her eye, she announces, "I've never eaten spicy food and regretted it later." Laughter erupted again, and I notice some of the girls sharing guilty glances as they raise their hands.

Now it's my turn, I took a moment to think. What can I reveal that would surprise them? "I've never pulled an all-nighter to finish a book" I say, and to my delight, several surprised faces turn in my direction.

As the game continue, Emiko's turn comes again, and she offers a surprising confession, "I've never had a loyal boyfriend.......but now i have someone in mind." Her words carries a mixture of determination and vulnerability, and I can't help but wonder if she still love that asshole and has him in her mind.

Emiko's admission is meeting with intrigued laughter and playful prodding. "Spill the tea, Emiko! Who's the lucky guy?" Yuzuha's eyes sparkles mischievously as she teases her.

With a smirk, Emiko whips out her phone, flashing us a picture of a group of guys relaxing on a sunlit beach. "Here he is," she declare, pointing to one of the guys. "This is Baji...... the guy i have in my mind".

The room buzzes with curious whispers and giggles, but Emiko isn't done yet. She turns her gaze to another guy in the picture and directs it toward me. "And this charming fellow right here is Mikey....... Yuna's boyfriend" Her eyes twinkles as she catch my gaze, knowing that she is throwing me a curveball.

Emma's voice cuts through the air, full of surprise. "Wait, Mikey?" And her shock is evident in her voice. "Yuna, you're dating my brother Manjirou?"

My heart plummet, and my eyes widen. Mikey is Emma's brother? How can I not have known this? I feel a mixture of embarrassment and guilt wash over me as the pieces of the puzzle started to come together.

Senju's reaction, however, is more explosive. Her bleu eyes bore into me with a fiery intensity. "Hold on a second," her voice is sharp, anger dripping from her words. "Mikey? The same Mikey who ignore me for some whore?"

My breath catches in my throat as Senju's words hit me like a punch. Mikey is her boyfriend? The guy she always wants to impress? Of course after all Mikey is a foreign name for someone lives in Japan, right?

The room felt suffocating as the realization sinks in. I look around, feeling the weight of the situation, but my thoughts are racing in confusion. I didn't know that Emma and Senju are connected to Mikey, let alone in such a personal way.

Senju's fury intensifies, and her words turns to daggers. "So you are the whore he is ignoring me for?" Her anger seems to resonate from a place of hurt, and I feel like I'm caught in a storm that I have no idea is brewing.

To be continued ●

Don't forget to vote and comment, with all love Mary ❤

I hope u like the chapter 😘

Tell me what do u think gonna happen? 😏

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