Chapter sixty three

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The morning light filters through the curtains, casting a soft glow that doesn't quite reach the darkness inside me. It's one of those mornings, heavy with the weight of a sleepless night, the remnants of tears clinging stubbornly to my tired eyes. As I step into Emiko's room, hoping for some solace in her presence, the cold sheets told a tale of her absence, a reminder that I had been truly alone through the night.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I make my way to the kitchen, hoping a cup of tea and some breakfast might soothe the ache within. But the food sit untouched, each bite feels like an insurmountable task, the memories of Mikey and Senju together haunting my thoughts.

I stare blankly out the window, lost in a whirlwind of emotions. A hollow ache settled in my chest, a relentless reminder of the void Mikey has left behind. How could he move on so easily while I'm left here, drowning in the aftermath of our shattered relationship?

Frustration bubbled within me as I force down a bite of toast, the taste turning bitter in my mouth. With a heavy sigh, I push the plate away, my appetite lost to the turmoil consuming my mind.

Slipping away from the kitchen, I find refuge in the bathroom, the cool water offering some reprieve as I splash it on my face. But as I look up into the mirror, the reflection staring back at me is a stark contrast to the person I used to be.

"He's living his life, and here I am, stuck in this endless loop of heartache" I whisper to my reflection, the words carrying the weight of my desolation.

I slump against the bathroom counter, feeling the walls of loneliness closing in on me. It's a relentless battle, trying to make sense of a world that seems intent on tearing me apart.

"He's moved on... and I'm here, still picking up the pieces he left behind" I murmur, the truth of those words cutting deeper than I could bear. I want to scream, to rage against the unfairness of it all, but all that escaped are silent tears streaming down my cheeks.

With a heavy heart, I gather what remained of my shattered resolve. I can't allow someone else's actions to define my happiness. Slowly, I wipe away the tears, straightened my posture, and vowed to take each day as it came, no matter how excruciating it might be.

The decision to step out of my comfort zone—quite literally, in my case—is daunting, but it's a step I desperately need to take. The past few days had confined me within the walls of heartache, and I'm finally ready to break free from that suffocating cycle.

I rummage through my closet, searching for something that feels right. As my fingers grazed the fabric of a short, tight skirt and a cozy fleece shirt, I know they were my ticket to a new beginning.  I change out of my pajamas and into the chosen attire.

A glance in the mirror reveale a tired face, marked by the trails of tears from the night before. With a determination to hide the weariness, I dab on some makeup, trying to conceal the evidence of my restless nights. I pull my hair into a high ponytail, a subtle lift to my spirits as I see a semblance of confidence in the reflection staring back at me.

"You've got this" I whisper to my reflection, willing myself to believe those words.

Leaving a note for Emiko on the fridge, I assure her that I'm stepping out for a while, not wanting her to worry about my sudden absence. With each step towards the door, I feel a mix of nerves and excitement. It's a small excursion, a trip to the mall, but for me, it holds the promise of a fresh start.

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