Chapter seventy two

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As Mikey's words hang in the air, I take a deep breath, my mind swirling with conflicting emotions. I glance down for a few moments, contemplating whether I'm ready to dive into the conversation or if more time apart is needed. The weight of the past few days presses on me, a heavy burden I've been carrying.

Eventually, I lift my gaze and meet Mikey's eyes. "Okay" I say, the word carrying a mix of hesitation and acceptance. "We can talk. But let's be clear, Mikey. Talking doesn't mean we're back together or anything. I need to hear what you have to say, and then I'll decide".

He nods solemnly. "I get it, Yuna. Just listen, and we'll go from there. I'll respect whatever decision you make."

With that agreement hanging between us, Mikey suggests a change of scenery. "How about we go somewhere private, like the beach? We can talk without any interruptions".

I consider his proposal, weighing the pros and cons of a more secluded setting. Finally, I nod. "Sure, a private place might be better".

His face lights up with a hint of relief. "Great. I just need to tell Chifuyu that I'm stepping out for a bit. I'll be right back."

I watch him disappear into the pet shop, the anticipation building within me. The minutes stretch into what feels like an eternity, and doubts creep into my mind. Is he really coming back? Or is this another way of avoiding the conversation?

Just as I begin to wonder if he's ditched me, Mikey emerges, striding purposefully towards a motorcycle parked nearby. My uncertainty lingers, but he offers a reassuring smile as he approaches. "Ready to go?"

I nod, my apprehension tucked away beneath a veneer of composure. "Yeah, let's go."

The motorcycle roars to life, and I climb on behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. As we navigate through the city streets, the cool breeze whips against my face.

The beach comes into view, the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore providing a backdrop to the intensity of our situation. Mikey finds a secluded spot, the moon casting a soft glow on the sand. The air is filled with the scent of salt and the distant sound of seagulls.

We dismount the motorcycle, and I find a spot to sit, the sand cool beneath me. Mikey settles beside me, and for a moment, we both stare out at the vast expanse of the ocean.

"Okay, talk" I finally break the silence.

He takes a deep breath, his gaze focuses on the horizon. "Angel, I messed up. Big time. I let things get out of control, and I hurt you in the process. I can't undo what's been done, but I need you to know that I'm sorry. Truly sorry... you're more important to me than a fuck toy".

His words hang in the air, and I remain silent, waiting for him to continue. "I thought breaking up with you would protect you. I never thought I'd lose control like that when I saw you with the guy I forbade you from talking to".

I continue to stare out at the ocean, processing the admission. The sound of waves crashing against the shore create a soothing backdrop, momentarily easing the tension.

After a moment of silence, I speak, my gaze still fix on the vast expanse of water. "Mikey, I know you wanted to protect me. I know you care about me, and the idea of seeing me hurt is unbearable for you because you feel responsible for it".

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