Chapter forty seven

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The night air is crisp and cool as Mikey is revving up his motorcycle, preparing to take me home. The roar of the engine makes my heart race with excitement as I swing a leg over the seat and settle in behind him, saying goodbye to his grandpa and Emma as i promised I'll be visiting again.

He has always been the adventurous type, and our late-night rides had become something of a tradition for us.

As we speed through the dimly lit streets, the wind rush past us, tousling my hair and carrying with it the scent of the night. I hold onto Mikey tightly, feeling the warmth of his body against mine, a comforting contrast to the chilly air.

But as we approach my neighborhood, he suddenly pulls the motorcycle to a stop in front of a convenience store. I furrow my brows in confusion, wondering why we are stopping here.

Mikey turns to me with a mischievous grin, his dark eyes sparkling in the dim light. "I'll just be a minute, Angel... I need to grab some cigarettes" he says.

I can't help but frown, concern creeping into my voice. "Mikey, you really shouldn't smoke. It's not healthy for you".

He shrugs casually. "It's just a habit I picked up from my brother. Don't worry, it's not a big deal".

I look into his eyes, wanting to express my concern. "But it is a big deal, babe. Your health matters to me".

He chuckles and leans in to kiss my forehead. "You're sweet, Angel baby. I promise I'll quit someday".

As Mikey heads into the store, I can't shake the feeling that we are being watched. My gaze dart around nervously, trying to pinpoint the source of my unease. And then I see him – the same guy who had been watching me a few days ago. Panic rush through me like a tidal wave, and I grip the motorcycle's handles tightly.

Mikey returns, carrying a pack of cigarettes, and raises an eyebrow when he sees the look on my face. "What's wrong, Yuna? You look like you've seen a ghost".

I hesitate for a moment, my eyes fix on the man who's now lurking in the shadows. "There's a... " I start to say, but then the stranger disappears, as if he had never been there. I shake my head, my heart pounding. "No, it's nothing, Mikey. I was just...admiring the city lights".

He seems unconvinced, but he doesn't press the issue. Instead, he starts the motorcycle and we continues on our way. However, I can't shake the feeling that something is off. Mikey senses it too, I can tell by the way he glances around, his expression tense.

We reach apartment building, and Mikey helps me off the motorcycle. he parks his motorcycle and walks me to my apartment door. The night was still and quiet, a stark contrast to the adrenaline rush of our ride.

We stand there under the soft glow of the porch light, he gently cups my face in his hands and leans in for a sweet, lingering kiss.

His lips are warm and tender against mine, and I close my eyes, savoring the moment. It's a slow, gentle kiss, filled with all the love and affection we feel for each other.

When we finally pull away, Mikey rests his forehead against mine, his eyes lock onto mine. "I'll call you when I get home, okay?"

"Aren't you coming in?" I ask softly as i step back and hold out my hand.

"If you insist" he replies with a warm smile.

Mikey and I enter my apartment, while we are greeted by the sound of my best friend Emiko's voice coming from the living room.

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