Jennie then cried.

She is being tortured. By her parents. They are getting married for literally no reason. If she really needed to get married that urgently, then she should've gotten a chance to pick someone for her. To find her lover. To find someone that she will truly love. But no. She didn't get that chance. Instead, she was sent back here when she was trying to fulfil her dreams and then told that she will get married, to who? A stranger.

And the marriage is even arranged. Forced. Why should they be rushing over things and be forced to marry like this? Is it so necessary? Are they so cheap to them that they don't even have a little bit of stature?

This is torture! A torture!!

Girls and boys, both shouldn't be treated like this in the society. They also need some value to others. And this is a abuse!

How come parents, who come from the same gender as them and have experienced life at that age to this to do them? Isn't this something that used to happen in the old days? Then why are they doing this now?! Are they still living in the past? Don't they get how modern everything is now? Are they old people?

Everything suffocated her. The thought was suffocating her and she just can't some crying.

She was already on the floor. Looking so messed up.

Well, her life is messed up.

It's fucked up.

Really just fucked up.

She felt like there is no meaning in her life anymore. Why does she even have a life? If life is only made for sadness and pain.. she don't want it. She.. wanna die..

But she can't run away from them now. There is no way, she could escape. She have to endure it. Even if it holds a lot of pain.

She gotta be very strong. She needs to find her own strength. Mentally not physically. Cause she won't be fighting with someone physically, she'll be fighting with her life and other people mentally, make her own boundaries and her own shield. That's what she really needs, cause nothing is more important than self love and protection. Jennie have always spent her life like this since childhood, not letting anyone else ruin her life nor torture her like this, but looks like she lost that strength... she is weak now. And she needs someone to take care of her and protect her, but she won't trust someone that much. She needs to trust herself before anyone else, cause she already lost that. Depending on someone else is risky. They could take your life to the edge!

Jennie wiped away her tears, but a couple of more streamed down. This one held a different emotion. Not the same one as before. It is a unknown emotion. Jennie doesn't know about it.

She leaned on the wall behind her. The window was closed and the heavy wind flowed inside the room, making the atmosphere cold. She teared out some more water from her eyes. She liked the environment. It was cool, silent, healing and cozy. She felt so comfortable, sitting on the floor and crying like this.. somehow it was the best thing. The curtains flied along her hair, that was messing around and swaying back.

She messed with her hair and wrapped her arms around her legs. She looked up with her chin over her knees, tears still streaming down, this time it was mixed emotions.

The next second, when she thought of her current life, she cried out loud. And it's the first time after so long, she last cried like this almost a month ago! What will happened the next month then? Will she be able to cry like this? Cause he will obviously notice that, because the two of them will live together. Will he comfort her then? Maybe....

Let's see first though. Cause it's not nice second guessing something you're still unsure about. Right?


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