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"I'm not gonna lie," Dakota says the following morning, "my butt still hurts from riding those horses."

I laugh, sitting across from him and Tanner at the kitchen table with Alex on the couch across from us, filming the three of us. After watching some of my previous dance videos, Dakota and I had called it a night. Unlike after the first location of the last trip, we didn't fall asleep next to each other and there was no Polaroid taken of us. Even so, the night had been nice and my dreams were actually nonexistent—no nightmares at all.

(My butt hurts, too, mostly because of the fall I had at Nopeming and, you know, bruising my tailbone once again.)

Now, we're back filming for the day. I seem to be some of the only color in the RV, as I'm wearing a muted magenta sweater while Tanner and Dakota both where shades of black and gray. I've got my same jacket on from yesterday as well as a pair of black jeans and my black combat boots. It's definitely warmer in Texas than it had been in Minnesota, but it's still January.

"Yeah, you guys looked like you really enjoyed it," I point out, "until the bonfire."

Tanner and Dakota both laugh their agreement. Alex pipes up, "Dude, that's literally all I could think about last night after the packet read was the nuns."

"What about demons?" Dakota asks. "We're dealing with demons now."

"I'm really nervous for the demonic stuff," Alex admits. "And I'm nervous about this whole location because it seems like when you dive into something, Olivia, you go all in."

"And the demon is said to be in the chapel?" Tanner asks and I nod, because that's what some people claim. "Am I the only one who feels like that doesn't make sense? Shouldn't it be afraid of the chapel because it's a holy place?"

"Yeah, I was actually thinking about that, too," Dakota agrees. "I would have thought it would be, like, a safe haven from this stuff."

"That depends," I state, flicking my hair away from my shoulder. "I tried to find out whether or not the chapel was actually deconsecrated, but I couldn't find any definitive evidence."

Tanner and Dakota look at me, eyes narrowed. Finally, my cousin asks, "Wait, what do you mean?"

"So, typically—and I'm only speaking on what I know to be true in the Catholic church—but usually when churches are no longer in use, they're deconsecrated," I explain, feeling proud that my Catholic school knowledge is actually helping me on this road trip. "And that can be anything from just making sure that the religious items in the chapel find new homes to having the bishop of the diocese perform rites."

"Is there, like, an actual process to it?" Dakota asks, intrigued.

"Not necessarily," I respond. "I think the rites are up to the bishop. Like, if they want to decree that churches need to be deconsecrated before demolition or something, it's kind of just up to them. A lot of churches have actually been turned into restaurants, but the buildings are deconsecrated beforehand. But there are no official rites transcribed in the church."

The Last One | Project FearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora